Is it possible to do spam blocking in UrlRewriting.config? I've done it previously in web.config which is fine and works but I'd like to develop something so that my client can update this in Umbraco and it update the UrlRewriting.config file.
I could poetentially redirect requests from referrers to elsewhere, I've seen others do this like to redirect to google or something but I'd prefer to abort the request.
This is similar to what I have in my web.config currently, the example below is blocking all requests from semalt
<rule name="abort referer spam requests" stopProcessing="true">
<match url=".*" />
<add input="{HTTP_REFERER}" pattern="(semalt\.com)|(buttons\-for\-website\.com)" />
<action type="AbortRequest" />
<!--The rest of your rules, if you have any-->
Spam blocking using UrlRewriting
Is it possible to do spam blocking in UrlRewriting.config? I've done it previously in web.config which is fine and works but I'd like to develop something so that my client can update this in Umbraco and it update the UrlRewriting.config file.
Hi Ben
I'm not sure I have the technical solution for you but I'm wondering if you have investigated whether or not the 301 url tracker package could be used for the purpose?
Sorry if I'm way of just wanted to suggest in case you were not aware about it already :)
Hi Jan,
Thanks, I'll download it and see what it does.
I could poetentially redirect requests from referrers to elsewhere, I've seen others do this like to redirect to google or something but I'd prefer to abort the request.
This is similar to what I have in my web.config currently, the example below is blocking all requests from semalt
is working on a reply...