Binding umbraco data to custom macro parameter datatype
Hello all
I have been creating some simple macro parameter datatypes using Angular checkbox-list model. they work fine in terms of storing and returning data from the DB, but I cannot get the data to bind to the view control (i.e. checking the checkboxes that have been selected, and are being returned). I have been scratching my head over this one for ages, and would appreciate any help!
Binding umbraco data to custom macro parameter datatype
Hello all
I have been creating some simple macro parameter datatypes using Angular checkbox-list model. they work fine in terms of storing and returning data from the DB, but I cannot get the data to bind to the view control (i.e. checking the checkboxes that have been selected, and are being returned). I have been scratching my head over this one for ages, and would appreciate any help!
The view:
The controller:
The manifest:
The checklist-model can be seen here:
Still could do with some assistance on this if anyone has any ideas?
Hi Daniel,
The controller should be changed like below to get the values from the DB to the view. The controller:
angular.module("umbraco") .controller("Eurofins.MultiDivisionPicker", function($scope) {
is working on a reply...