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  • Harsh Shastri 4 posts 74 karma points
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 06:19
    Harsh Shastri

    Copy website to IIS have Error in image view in Umbraco 7.2.8

    i have copy whole web site to local IIS with different folder name it give me error for Images : System.ArgumentException: The virtual path '/appplugins/grid/editors/render/mediawide.cshtml' maps to another application, which is not allowed. at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.ValidateVirtualPathInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean codeFile) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultInternal(VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVPathBuildResultWithNoAssert(HttpContext context, VirtualPath virtualPath, Boolean noBuild, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean allowBuildInPrecompile, Boolean throwIfNotFound, Boolean ensureIsUpToDate) at System.Web.Compilation.BuildManager.GetVirtualPathObjectFactory(VirtualPath virtualPath, HttpContext context, Boolean allowCrossApp, Boolean throwIfNotFound) at System.Web.Mvc.BuildManagerWrapper.System.Web.Mvc.IBuildManager.FileExists(String virtualPath) at Microsoft.Web.Mvc.ViewEngineFixWorker1.GetPathFromSpecificName(ControllerContext controllerContext, String name, String cacheKey, String[]& searchedLocations) at Microsoft.Web.Mvc.ViewEngineFixWorker1.GetPath(ControllerContext controllerContext, String[] locations, String[] areaLocations, String locationsPropertyName, String name, String controllerName, String cacheKeyPrefix, Boolean useCache, String[]& searchedLocations) at Microsoft.Web.Mvc.ViewEngineFixWorker1.FindPartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, String partialViewName, Boolean useCache) at Umbraco.Core.Profiling.ProfilingViewEngine.FindPartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, String partialViewName, Boolean useCache) at System.Web.Mvc.ViewEngineCollection.Find(Func2 lookup, Boolean trackSearchedPaths) at System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper.FindPartialView(ViewContext viewContext, String partialViewName, ViewEngineCollection viewEngineCollection) at System.Web.Mvc.HtmlHelper.RenderPartialInternal(String partialViewName, ViewDataDictionary viewData, Object model, TextWriter writer, ViewEngineCollection viewEngineCollection) at System.Web.Mvc.Html.PartialExtensions.Partial(HtmlHelper htmlHelper, String partialViewName, Object model, ViewDataDictionary viewData) at ASP.PageViewsPartialsgrideditorsbasecshtml.Execute() in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\raystechservCMS\Views\Partials\Grid\Editors\Base.cshtml:line 20

  • Comment author was deleted

    Sep 15, 2015 @ 11:45


    Does the file /appplugins/grid/editors/render/mediawide.cshtml exist on filesystem?

  • Harsh Shastri 4 posts 74 karma points
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 11:57
    Harsh Shastri

    yes media_wide.cshtml file exist in folder.

  • Comment author was deleted

    Sep 15, 2015 @ 12:04

    Mind sharing a screenshot of the iis setup, any virtual folders in there?

  • Harsh Shastri 4 posts 74 karma points
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 12:08
    Harsh Shastri

    hi tim ,

    i have just problem in image path if i use : http://localhost/CMS/media/1050/logo.png than image is exist but when i use existing code it give path for image as http://localhost/media/1050/logo.png that's the problem i gess . is there any custom setting we have to do in web.configu



  • Comment author was deleted

    Sep 15, 2015 @ 12:11

    Ah yes looks like you are running Umbraco in a virtual directory not sure what the state is on that (so if it all works 100%), if you find things that don't work please report them on the issue tracker and clearly note that it's due to running in a virtual directory

  • Harsh Shastri 4 posts 74 karma points
    Sep 15, 2015 @ 12:14
    Harsh Shastri

    yes i have to run this as virtual directory and convert this as application in IIS is there any other way to run this . for any deployment i have to use iis . it's not good for me to run website with local IIS everytime.

  • Comment author was deleted

    Sep 15, 2015 @ 12:18

    Well you could setup a new domain (update your hostfile with for example ) and then bind that to a new site in iis instead of using a virtual directory

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