DocumnetTypeAlias information doesn't change after switch Document Type
Hi Everyone,
I searched along the whole forum but I didn't find a solution.
I have a large amount of nodes and I changed their doctype after creation using "right click -> change document type".
Everything is fine, the pages display correctly but when, in the parent page, I iterate the children (filtering them by the new document type alias) the nodes I get are only the nodes that I created with the new document type.
I have removed the filter and tested the document type alias information. Both with Model.Content.DocumentTypeAlias and CurrentPage.DocumentTypeAlias I always get the old document type alias and not the current one I switched to.
Am I doing something wrong in retrieving the new doctype alias?
Thank you for help
DocumnetTypeAlias information doesn't change after switch Document Type
Hi Everyone,
I searched along the whole forum but I didn't find a solution.
I have a large amount of nodes and I changed their doctype after creation using "right click -> change document type".
Everything is fine, the pages display correctly but when, in the parent page, I iterate the children (filtering them by the new document type alias) the nodes I get are only the nodes that I created with the new document type.
I have removed the filter and tested the document type alias information. Both with Model.Content.DocumentTypeAlias and CurrentPage.DocumentTypeAlias I always get the old document type alias and not the current one I switched to.
Am I doing something wrong in retrieving the new doctype alias? Thank you for help
Hi Stefano,
Did you try to republish your site and remove /app_data/umbraco.config file ?
I was just deleting my post when I saw your answer... deleting App_Data worked for me!
Thanks a lot
is working on a reply...