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  • Martin 114 posts 313 karma points
    Sep 27, 2015 @ 11:06

    Duplicate sql queries shown in debug trace


    When I look at the dubug trace, I often see warnings about duplicate sql queries. At most I have had 27 duplicate queries for the same process. And I have no idea why I have it? I am running Umbraco 7.2.5.

    Anybody experienced the same? And perhaps have solutions? It also seems that the app pool shuts down every now and then without any legitimate reason (although I have add a scheduled task every hour to prevent my web hosting provider to shut down the app pool due to idle time).

    Regards, Martin

  • Artyom Chernenko 17 posts 91 karma points
    Sep 28, 2015 @ 04:24
    Artyom Chernenko

    Its hard to say anything definite without any examples, so the general advise is - try to use caching for the case with duplicate SQL queries.

    Also review your code and make sure that you are not using Services (MemberService, ContentService, etc) for selecting data - they generate SQL queries for the data retrieving. You should use UmbracoHelper for that purpose, it uses internal caches and doesnt interact with the DB.

  • Martin 114 posts 313 karma points
    Sep 29, 2015 @ 16:42

    Hej Artyom,,

    Some example of duplicate sql queries are:

    704.00 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 651.00 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+1055.0 ms Reader 52.1 ms

    DECLARE @0 nvarchar(40) = N'a2cb7800-f571-4787-9638-bc48539a0efb', @1 nvarchar(4000) = N'Hem';

    SELECT * FROM [cmsContentType] INNER JOIN [umbracoNode] ON [cmsContentType].[nodeId] = [umbracoNode].[id] LEFT JOIN [cmsDocumentType] ON [cmsDocumentType].[contentTypeNodeId] = [cmsContentType].[nodeId] WHERE ([umbracoNode].[nodeObjectType] = @0) AND ([cmsContentType].[alias] = @1) ORDER BY ([umbracoNode].[text])

    103.70 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 103.70 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+1210.8 ms Reader 78.4 ms

    MoveNext MapContentTypes GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll PerformGetByQuery GetByQuery GetContentType CreatePublishedContentType

    DECLARE @0 nvarchar(40) = N'a2cb7800-f571-4787-9638-bc48539a0efb', @1 int = 1063;

    SELECT cmsDocumentType.IsDefault as dtIsDefault, cmsDocumentType.templateNodeId as dtTemplateId, as ctPk, cmsContentType.alias as ctAlias, cmsContentType.allowAtRoot as ctAllowAtRoot, cmsContentType.description as ctDesc, cmsContentType.icon as ctIcon, cmsContentType.isContainer as ctIsContainer, cmsContentType.nodeId as ctId, cmsContentType.thumbnail as ctThumb, AllowedTypes.allowedId as ctaAllowedId, AllowedTypes.SortOrder as ctaSortOrder, AllowedTypes.alias as ctaAlias,
    ParentTypes.parentContentTypeId as chtParentId, umbracoNode.createDate as nCreateDate, umbracoNode.[level] as nLevel, umbracoNode.nodeObjectType as nObjectType, umbracoNode.nodeUser as nUser, umbracoNode.parentID as nParentId, umbracoNode.[path] as nPath, umbracoNode.sortOrder as nSortOrder, umbracoNode.[text] as nName, umbracoNode.trashed as nTrashed, umbracoNode.uniqueID as nUniqueId,
    Template.alias as tAlias, Template.nodeId as tId, Template.text as tText FROM cmsContentType INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsContentType.nodeId = LEFT JOIN cmsDocumentType ON cmsDocumentType.contentTypeNodeId = cmsContentType.nodeId LEFT JOIN ( SELECT cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.Id, cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.AllowedId, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.SortOrder FROM cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType
    INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.AllowedId = cmsContentType.nodeId ) AllowedTypes ON AllowedTypes.Id = cmsContentType.nodeId LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM cmsTemplate INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsTemplate.nodeId = ) as Template ON Template.nodeId = cmsDocumentType.templateNodeId LEFT JOIN cmsContentType2ContentType as ParentTypes ON ParentTypes.childContentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId
    WHERE (umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = @0) AND ( IN (@1))

    1074.70 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 1074.70 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+2363.9 ms Reader 29.1 ms

    DECLARE @0 nvarchar(40) = N'6fbde604-4178-42ce-a10b-8a2600a2f07d', @1 int = 1090;

    SELECT * FROM [cmsTemplate] INNER JOIN [umbracoNode] ON [cmsTemplate].[nodeId] = [umbracoNode].[id] WHERE ([umbracoNode].[nodeObjectType] = @0) AND ( in (@1))

    29.40 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 29.40 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+2422.4 ms DUPLICATE Reader 2.9 ms

    DECLARE @0 nvarchar(40) = N'6fbde604-4178-42ce-a10b-8a2600a2f07d', @1 int = 1054;

    SELECT * FROM [cmsTemplate] INNER JOIN [umbracoNode] ON [cmsTemplate].[nodeId] = [umbracoNode].[id] WHERE ([umbracoNode].[nodeObjectType] = @0) AND ( in (@1))

    116.70 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 116.70 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+2542.0 ms Reader 42.2 ms

    MoveNext MapGroupsAndProperties MapContentTypeChildren GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll PerformGetByQuery GetByQuery GetContentType CreatePublishedContentType

    DECLARE @0 int = 1063, @1 int = 1063;

    SELECT PG.contenttypeNodeId as contentTypeId, PT.ptId, PT.ptAlias, PT.ptDesc, PT.ptHelpText, PT.ptMandatory, PT.ptName, PT.ptSortOrder, PT.ptRegExp, PT.dtId, PT.dtDbType, PT.dtPropEdAlias, as pgId, PG.parentGroupId as pgParentGroupId, PG.sortorder as pgSortOrder, PG.[text] as pgText FROM cmsPropertyTypeGroup as PG LEFT JOIN ( SELECT as ptId, PT.Alias as ptAlias, PT.[Description] as ptDesc, PT.helpText as ptHelpText, PT.mandatory as ptMandatory, PT.Name as ptName, PT.sortOrder as ptSortOrder, PT.validationRegExp as ptRegExp, PT.propertyTypeGroupId as ptGroupId, DT.dbType as dtDbType, DT.nodeId as dtId, DT.propertyEditorAlias as dtPropEdAlias FROM cmsPropertyType as PT INNER JOIN cmsDataType as DT ON PT.dataTypeId = DT.nodeId ) as PT ON PT.ptGroupId = WHERE (PG.contenttypeNodeId in (@0))

                        SELECT  PT.contentTypeId as contentTypeId,
                       as ptId, PT.Alias as ptAlias, PT.[Description] as ptDesc, PT.helpText as ptHelpText,
                                PT.mandatory as ptMandatory, PT.Name as ptName, PT.sortOrder as ptSortOrder, PT.validationRegExp as ptRegExp,
                                DT.nodeId as dtId, DT.dbType as dtDbType, DT.propertyEditorAlias as dtPropEdAlias,
                       as pgId, PG.parentGroupId as pgParentGroupId, PG.sortorder as pgSortOrder, PG.[text] as pgText
                        FROM cmsPropertyType as PT
                        INNER JOIN cmsDataType as DT
                        ON PT.dataTypeId = DT.nodeId
                        LEFT JOIN cmsPropertyTypeGroup as PG
                        ON = PT.propertyTypeGroupId WHERE (PT.contentTypeId in (@1))

    ORDER BY (pgId)

    238.50 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 238.50 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+2822.7 ms DUPLICATE Reader 8.3 ms

    MoveNext MapContentTypes GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll MapContentTypeChildren GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll PerformGetByQuery GetByQuery GetContentType CreatePublishedContentType

    DECLARE @0 nvarchar(40) = N'a2cb7800-f571-4787-9638-bc48539a0efb', @1 int = 1055;

    SELECT cmsDocumentType.IsDefault as dtIsDefault, cmsDocumentType.templateNodeId as dtTemplateId, as ctPk, cmsContentType.alias as ctAlias, cmsContentType.allowAtRoot as ctAllowAtRoot, cmsContentType.description as ctDesc, cmsContentType.icon as ctIcon, cmsContentType.isContainer as ctIsContainer, cmsContentType.nodeId as ctId, cmsContentType.thumbnail as ctThumb, AllowedTypes.allowedId as ctaAllowedId, AllowedTypes.SortOrder as ctaSortOrder, AllowedTypes.alias as ctaAlias,
    ParentTypes.parentContentTypeId as chtParentId, umbracoNode.createDate as nCreateDate, umbracoNode.[level] as nLevel, umbracoNode.nodeObjectType as nObjectType, umbracoNode.nodeUser as nUser, umbracoNode.parentID as nParentId, umbracoNode.[path] as nPath, umbracoNode.sortOrder as nSortOrder, umbracoNode.[text] as nName, umbracoNode.trashed as nTrashed, umbracoNode.uniqueID as nUniqueId,
    Template.alias as tAlias, Template.nodeId as tId, Template.text as tText FROM cmsContentType INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsContentType.nodeId = LEFT JOIN cmsDocumentType ON cmsDocumentType.contentTypeNodeId = cmsContentType.nodeId LEFT JOIN ( SELECT cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.Id, cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.AllowedId, cmsContentType.alias, cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.SortOrder FROM cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType
    INNER JOIN cmsContentType ON cmsContentTypeAllowedContentType.AllowedId = cmsContentType.nodeId ) AllowedTypes ON AllowedTypes.Id = cmsContentType.nodeId LEFT JOIN ( SELECT * FROM cmsTemplate INNER JOIN umbracoNode ON cmsTemplate.nodeId = ) as Template ON Template.nodeId = cmsDocumentType.templateNodeId LEFT JOIN cmsContentType2ContentType as ParentTypes ON ParentTypes.childContentTypeId = cmsContentType.nodeId
    WHERE (umbracoNode.nodeObjectType = @0) AND ( IN (@1))

    80.90 ms
    [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders — 80.90 ms [PublishedContentRequestEngine] FindPublishedContent: Begin finders T+2911.9 ms DUPLICATE Reader 6.2 ms

    MoveNext MapGroupsAndProperties MapContentTypeChildren GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll MapContentTypeChildren GetContentTypes PerformGetAll GetAll PerformGetByQuery GetByQuery GetContentType CreatePublishedContentType

    DECLARE @0 int = 1055, @1 int = 1055;

    SELECT PG.contenttypeNodeId as contentTypeId, PT.ptId, PT.ptAlias, PT.ptDesc, PT.ptHelpText, PT.ptMandatory, PT.ptName, PT.ptSortOrder, PT.ptRegExp, PT.dtId, PT.dtDbType, PT.dtPropEdAlias, as pgId, PG.parentGroupId as pgParentGroupId, PG.sortorder as pgSortOrder, PG.[text] as pgText FROM cmsPropertyTypeGroup as PG LEFT JOIN ( SELECT as ptId, PT.Alias as ptAlias, PT.[Description] as ptDesc, PT.helpText as ptHelpText, PT.mandatory as ptMandatory, PT.Name as ptName, PT.sortOrder as ptSortOrder, PT.validationRegExp as ptRegExp, PT.propertyTypeGroupId as ptGroupId, DT.dbType as dtDbType, DT.nodeId as dtId, DT.propertyEditorAlias as dtPropEdAlias FROM cmsPropertyType as PT INNER JOIN cmsDataType as DT ON PT.dataTypeId = DT.nodeId ) as PT ON PT.ptGroupId = WHERE (PG.contenttypeNodeId in (@0))

                        SELECT  PT.contentTypeId as contentTypeId,
                       as ptId, PT.Alias as ptAlias, PT.[Description] as ptDesc, PT.helpText as ptHelpText,
                                PT.mandatory as ptMandatory, PT.Name as ptName, PT.sortOrder as ptSortOrder, PT.validationRegExp as ptRegExp,
                                DT.nodeId as dtId, DT.dbType as dtDbType, DT.propertyEditorAlias as dtPropEdAlias,
                       as pgId, PG.parentGroupId as pgParentGroupId, PG.sortorder as pgSortOrder, PG.[text] as pgText
                        FROM cmsPropertyType as PT
                        INNER JOIN cmsDataType as DT
                        ON PT.dataTypeId = DT.nodeId
                        LEFT JOIN cmsPropertyTypeGroup as PG
                        ON = PT.propertyTypeGroupId WHERE (PT.contentTypeId in (@1))

    ORDER BY (pgId)

    4772.60 ms
    RazorView.Render: ~/Views/Partials/Slideshow.cshtml — 1161.10 ms

    I dont know if it "normal" to have some DUBLICATE readers for Umbraco but I think I have a lot. Thank for any advice /martin

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