Uncaught TypeError: $element.find(...).datetimepicker is not a function
I keep getting this error in our CMS (Admin area): Uncaught TypeError: "$element.find(...).datetimepicker is not a function" and it is slowing our CMS down to a point where the controls are not being populated.
the code is here in a DependancyHandler: function(){$element.find("div:first").datetimepicker("hide");};
We are using the latest Umbraco 7.2.8 with ArcheTypes.
Uncaught TypeError: $element.find(...).datetimepicker is not a function
Hi, I keep getting this error in our CMS (Admin area): Uncaught TypeError: "$element.find(...).datetimepicker is not a function" and it is slowing our CMS down to a point where the controls are not being populated.
the code is here in a DependancyHandler: function(){$element.find("div:first").datetimepicker("hide");};
We are using the latest Umbraco 7.2.8 with ArcheTypes.
Does anyone know a fix?
I had exactly the same problem.
I fixed it by commenting out the layout in "_ViewStart" in the "Views"folder
is working on a reply...