What version of Umbraco are you using? I typically just use LogHelper, though I remember reading they plan to create a service, as LogHelper is a static class, and so makes unit testing harder.
LogHelper (and maybe UmbracoLogService) logs entries to UmbracoTraceLog.txt (in App_Data\Logs).
Logging simple messages in Umbraco?
I would like to log a simple message to Umbraco, I don't care what type it is associated with.
I tried using UmbracoLogService but I have no idea what table that writes to.
I just want to log something like "Hello" to a database
What version of Umbraco are you using? I typically just use LogHelper, though I remember reading they plan to create a service, as LogHelper is a static class, and so makes unit testing harder.
LogHelper (and maybe UmbracoLogService) logs entries to UmbracoTraceLog.txt (in App_Data\Logs).
Note that Umbraco uses Log4Net under the hood. If you want, you can create your own log appender (see https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco-CMS/blob/dev-v7/src/Umbraco.Core/Logging/AsynchronousRollingFileAppender.cs for Umbraco's implementation) and configure it in log4net.config (in the Config folder). Your custom one could store logs to the database.
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