Passing a list of nodes as a parameter to a Partial View
I have a partial view that displays a gallery of thumbnails associated with a list of pages of type 'destinationPage'. I want to be able to filter this list before passing it to the partial view.
Here is the code I am using to create the list (it is working fine):-
Passing a list of nodes as a parameter to a Partial View
I have a partial view that displays a gallery of thumbnails associated with a list of pages of type 'destinationPage'. I want to be able to filter this list before passing it to the partial view.
Here is the code I am using to create the list (it is working fine):-
I have tried adding the itineraryIdeaNodes object to the code that refers to the partial view:-
However, I cannot discover what type
Nor can I work out how to access the parameter within the partial view.
Have I got this hopelessly wrong?
Thanks in advance.
is working on a reply...