I'm looking at a site on v4.7.2 - it's got quite a few deprecated packages installed including DAMP, uComponets and a forum package.
I'm assessing the work involved to upgrade to v7. I obviously can't just do a straight upgrade it as the packages won't work in V7. There are a lot of media files with various DAMP image pickers / croppers in place.
I can see two paths of upgrade - any advice appreciated!
1) Create a new site in v7 and import the data.
How to ensure the media is imported, "picked" and using the new image
cropper? How can I map old media images to the new one? Can I
bulk import media via the API - retaining an "old media ID" and relink via script?
2) Remove the offending packages and do a straight upgrade.
Is there anyway to convert DAMP and uComponents doc types either before or after the upgrade to flat text so that I can do some scripting and use the image IDs to create new values and relink the images?
I'm thinking 1 is the way to go as there is a lot of baggage in this site which I'd like to leave behind as I'm worried it will cause content issues. The site is also a weird mix of XSLT with a bit of Razor thrown in.
Are there any other approaches I'm not thinking of here?
Upgrade / MIgrate a site from v4.7 to v7
I'm looking at a site on v4.7.2 - it's got quite a few deprecated packages installed including DAMP, uComponets and a forum package.
I'm assessing the work involved to upgrade to v7. I obviously can't just do a straight upgrade it as the packages won't work in V7. There are a lot of media files with various DAMP image pickers / croppers in place.
I can see two paths of upgrade - any advice appreciated!
1) Create a new site in v7 and import the data.
2) Remove the offending packages and do a straight upgrade. Is there anyway to convert DAMP and uComponents doc types either before or after the upgrade to flat text so that I can do some scripting and use the image IDs to create new values and relink the images?
I'm thinking 1 is the way to go as there is a lot of baggage in this site which I'd like to leave behind as I'm worried it will cause content issues. The site is also a weird mix of XSLT with a bit of Razor thrown in.
Are there any other approaches I'm not thinking of here?
is working on a reply...