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  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 12, 2015 @ 15:10
    Barry Fogarty

    Preview mode breaks when using a default controller with a custom Authorize Attribute

    My site implements a default controller which is decorated with a custom authorize attribute. I am using this so I can redirect members who are logged in but not authorised to the right place.

    // Employ a custom base controller so all pages need authosisation by default.  

    The problem is, backoffice users get bounced to my 'not-authorised' page when attempting to preview a page. What I need is either a way to 'authorise' backoffice users or some kind of exclusion (e.g. /umbraco) from routing via my default controller.

    The latter would be preferable and TBH maybe this should be logged as a bug - no other backoffice functionality is affected, apart from preview.

    My abbreviated custom authorize attribute:

    public class CustomAuthorize: AuthorizeAttribute
        public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            if (filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated == false)
                ... redirect to login page
            if (UmbracoContext.Current.Security.IsAuthenticated())
                ...this request is ok - how to authorise so it can continue?
            // User is authenticated but not authorised to view the requested page.  
            if (filterContext.Result is HttpUnauthorizedResult)
                ...redirect to not authorised
  • Dave Woestenborghs 3504 posts 12135 karma points MVP 9x admin c-trib
    Nov 12, 2015 @ 15:51
    Dave Woestenborghs

    Hi Barry,

    Maybe you can check if the page is being used in Preview mode :



  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 12, 2015 @ 16:43
    Barry Fogarty

    Thanks Dave - the problem is though the Authorize routine still returns a Http unauthorised - I can't figure out how to override this and continue on to the initial request as an authorised user.

    e.g. in the above code I am using UmbracoContext.Current.Security.IsAuthenticated() to ensure its a request from a backoffice user - just dunno how to handle it from there.

    Ideally I need a solution so any /Umbraco requests do not get routed though my default controller at all. Further testing shows there are other backoffice API requests failing so I may need to raise this as a bug on the issue tracker.

  • Shannon Deminick 1526 posts 5272 karma points MVP 3x
    Nov 12, 2015 @ 21:36
    Shannon Deminick

    I think this might have been logged on the tracker already if you wanna give searching there a try

  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 13, 2015 @ 12:30
    Barry Fogarty

    Thanks Shannon - I found the issue and added my experience trying the workaround. Unfortunately I didnt have any success with it:

    Now I understand the process a bit better I am going to attempt to skip the base.OnAuthorization(filterContext); in my custom Authorise attribute when I detect a backoffice user and see if that means I can skip login altogether on preview - that would be ideal for my scenario.

    Cheers for pointing out the issue!

  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 13, 2015 @ 12:50
    Barry Fogarty

    I missed something quite simple here - I simply checked UmbracoContext.Current.Security.IsAuthenticated() before my custom authorize attribute method hit base.OnAuthorization(filterContext);

    Therefore authorization is never performed for backoffice users on the front end. This is ideal in my scenario as it is a very simple, flat membership system with no difference in content or access depending on role.

    The only gotcha (so far!) is I need to override MembershipHelper.GetCurrentMember to map backoffice users to a dummy account for front-end browsing.

  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 13, 2015 @ 15:26
    Barry Fogarty

    Strangely I am getting the doc ID appended twice to my preview URL e.g. /umbraco/preview/?id=10747#?id=10747

    Not sure why but thought it worth noting. Preview still works fine but seems to be performing a double redirect.

  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 08:46
    Barry Fogarty

    Follow up to this, I am seeing lots of entries like this in the log:

    2015-11-17 08:37:39,888 [P3680/D2/T41] INFO Umbraco.Core.Security.UmbracoMembershipProviderBase - Login attempt succeeded for username [email protected] from IP address

    2015-11-17 08:37:50,913 [P3680/D2/T49] ERROR Umbraco.Core.Security.AuthenticationExtensions - The current identity cannot be converted to Umbraco.Core.Security.UmbracoBackOfficeIdentity System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot create a Umbraco.Core.Security.UmbracoBackOfficeIdentity from System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity since the required claim is missing at Umbraco.Core.Security.UmbracoBackOfficeIdentity.FromClaimsIdentity(ClaimsIdentity identity) at Umbraco.Core.Security.AuthenticationExtensions.GetCurrentIdentity(HttpContextBase http, Boolean authenticateRequestIfNotFound)

    This is happening immediately after a MEMBER login is performed. FYI I am overriding the MembershipHelper to provide my own (very simple) Login method:

    public bool SiteLogin(string username, string password)
            if (base.Login(username, password))
                    // Find the umb member by username and retrieve the isActivated property
                    var member = GetByUsername(username);
                    var isActivated = member.GetPropertyValue<bool>("isActivated");
                    return isActivated;
                    return false;
            // base Login failed
            return false;
  • Shannon Deminick 1526 posts 5272 karma points MVP 3x
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 09:13
    Shannon Deminick

    It's because it's trying to auth a back office user based on an IPrincipal from a front-end member.

    As i said, this all needs to be properly fixed at the core level, if you try to force this i'm sure you'll end up with strange things happening.

  • Barry Fogarty 493 posts 1129 karma points
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 10:07
    Barry Fogarty

    Thanks Shannon - looks like a fix is due in 7.4 which will be great.

    Just so you know though - This error is still being reported when logging in using the OOTB MembershipHelper.Login() - on a non-protected page, with cookies all wiped beforehand. Basically I have ensured its not running through any custom code to perform the member login/authorisation, and its nothing to do with preview either.

    Let me know if you want me to create a new issue for this. Hit me up if you need me to share any setup details if you need to repro (Umbraco version 7.3.0 assembly: 1.0.5750.18157).

  • Shannon Deminick 1526 posts 5272 karma points MVP 3x
    Nov 17, 2015 @ 10:44
    Shannon Deminick

    Ok, if you have steps to repro, please create a new issue for it and let me know the link.

  • Matthew Kirschner 323 posts 611 karma points
    Mar 14, 2016 @ 14:49
    Matthew Kirschner

    I'm getting the same, repeated errors as Barry Fogarty in my newly upgraded 7.4.1 site.

    This happens whenever a front-end member signs in and also when a backoffice user signs in or, seemingly, edits a page. I have not done any customization or overrides of the membership providers.

  • Shannon Deminick 1526 posts 5272 karma points MVP 3x
    Mar 14, 2016 @ 16:24
    Shannon Deminick

    Please see fix is due in 7.4.2

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