I have already built the Html for Contact Form I wanted to know how do I build the dynamic form Submission to the email address I want and error fields in Umbraco 7
1) Use a Contour / Umbraco Forms to handle submissions and e-mails for you. It's paid, but worth it. Regarding single contact form it's maybe better to focus on 2nd / 3rd option.
How do I built Contact Form in Umbraco 7
I have already built the Html for Contact Form I wanted to know how do I build the dynamic form Submission to the email address I want and error fields in Umbraco 7
You've multiple options here:
1) Use a Contour / Umbraco Forms to handle submissions and e-mails for you. It's paid, but worth it. Regarding single contact form it's maybe better to focus on 2nd / 3rd option.
2) Create your own logic and service handling using the controller method handling form submit (typical MVC approach: http://blog.michaelckennedy.net/2012/01/20/building-asp-net-mvc-forms-with-razor/).
3) Use a package from community e.g.: https://our.umbraco.org/projects/website-utilities/cultiv-razor-contact-form/.
Search also for other replies and similiar topics i.e.: https://our.umbraco.org/forum/umbraco-7/using-umbraco-7/58134-Creating-Contact-Form-in-Umbraco-7#comment-198685
Happy coding!
is working on a reply...