TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined
at init.js?cdv=726819048:50
at Object.e.$broadcast (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:94)
at angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:85
at o (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:80)
at o (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:80)
at angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:81
at Object.e.$eval (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:92)
at Object.e.$digest (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:90)
at Object.e.$apply (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:92)
at j (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:101)
When I click on the others, I get a blank screen with the console error:
I see that your id column isn't of the type int, that is currently a know issue but I've got a pull request that fixes is so a new version will be up this week fixing the issue.
If my table has 10 fields, but I only want to display 4 in the list, but all 10 in the edit form, is this possible?
Also, is it possible to make certain fields dropdowns (for example, I have an int field in the database, but to make it more user friendly, I want to display values for the ints)?
Yes Saied, you can mark the properties that you don't want in the list with UIOMaticIgnoreFromListView and for the foreign keys that is also possible check out the example here http://www.nibble.be/?p=491
In this case, the column is not a foreign key to another table. It is just a column that can have 3 values 1,2, or 3, but I want to display: one, two, or three in a dropdown for example. Is it still possible if it is not a foreign key to another table?
Umbraco 7.3.3 UI-O-Matic UI issues and errors
I installed Umbraco 7.3.3 and UI-O-Matic. I have a few questions:
How can I hide the
column?Is it possible to show the paging differently instead of all the pages?
Also, when I try to edit, I get the following error when I click on the first item in the list:
Request error: The URL returned a 404 (not found): views/uioMaticTree/edit.html
and I get this in the console:
Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #/uiomatic/uioMaticTree/edit/DeriveSystems.Models.Dealer, DeriveSystems.Models, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
GET http://localhost:58150/umbraco/views/uioMaticTree/edit.html 404 (Not Found)
TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined at init.js?cdv=726819048:50 at Object.e.$broadcast (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:94) at angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:85 at o (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:80) at o (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:80) at angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:81 at Object.e.$eval (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:92) at Object.e.$digest (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:90) at Object.e.$apply (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:92) at j (angular.min.js?cdv=726819048:101)
When I click on the others, I get a blank screen with the console error:
GET http://localhost:58150/umbraco/backoffice/UIOMatic/Object/GetType?typeName=…ystems.Models,%20Version=,%20Culture=neutral,%20PublicKeyToken=null 500 (Internal Server Error)
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Hi Saied,
Yes you can hide the Id column, just decorate it with UIOMaticIgnoreFromListView attribute (some details on that in the docs http://uiomatic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/02.listview/)
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I see that your id column isn't of the type int, that is currently a know issue but I've got a pull request that fixes is so a new version will be up this week fixing the issue.
Regards, Tim
Do you think that is what is causing the issues with the edit?
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Yup definitly it won't work currently with a guid as id, but as you can see (check the know issues http://uiomatic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/06.KnowIssues/) but this pull request should fix it https://github.com/TimGeyssens/UIOMatic/pull/13
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Will also do something about the paging since so it will work better with that amount of data
Thanks Tim,
Which files do I need to include in my project if I deploy it to another server?
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For deployment it should be everything in the \App_Plugins\UIOMatic folder and also the assemblies so thats \bin\UIOMatic.dll
Thanks Tim,
I look forward to the update
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Ok made the update you can update to version 1.1.0 https://www.nuget.org/packages/Nibble.Umbraco.UIOMatic/ please let me know if that does the trick
Thanks for the quick response.
2 questions:
If my table has 10 fields, but I only want to display 4 in the list, but all 10 in the edit form, is this possible?
Also, is it possible to make certain fields dropdowns (for example, I have an int field in the database, but to make it more user friendly, I want to display values for the ints)?
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Yes Saied, you can mark the properties that you don't want in the list with UIOMaticIgnoreFromListView and for the foreign keys that is also possible check out the example here http://www.nibble.be/?p=491
In this case, the column is not a foreign key to another table. It is just a column that can have 3 values
1,2, or 3
, but I want to display:one, two, or three
in a dropdown for example. Is it still possible if it is not a foreign key to another table?Comment author was deleted
Yeah in that case you can hook in a custom field view
Comment author was deleted
Check the docs for some details on that http://uiomatic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/04.CustomPropertyViews/ (you wont need a controller in your case) just a simple angularjs view
Hi Tim,
I just upgraded, but when I click on an item to edit, I get this error:
Request error: The URL returned a 404 (not found): views/uioMaticTree/edit.html
Also, is it possible to have tabs for the edit view?
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Yes it's possible to have tabs, you can specify a tab name in the UIOMaticField attribute
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(didn't change anything to the paging yet, so that's still on the todo)
is working on a reply...