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  • Ben 112 posts 398 karma points
    Dec 23, 2015 @ 19:25

    Razor html attribute assignment in Umbraco v7.3.4

    In Umbraco v7.2.8 I was able to use the following code without problems:

        foreach(var myPerson in foundPeople){
    var facultyStaffImage = Library.MediaById(6870);
                        facultyStaffImage = Library.MediaById(myPerson.facultyStaffPhoto);
          <a href="@myPerson.Url"><img src="@facultyStaffImage.umbracoFile" class="facultyImageSmall" /></a>
          <br />
          <a href="tel:[email protected]">(555) [email protected]</a> 
          <br />

    which creates an href value of something like tel:15554443333

    In Umbraco v7.3.4 this creates an href value of something like tel:[email protected]

    To fix this I had to change to code to look like this:

        foreach(var myPerson in foundPeople){
    var facultyStaffImage = Library.MediaById(6870);
                        facultyStaffImage = Library.MediaById(myPerson.facultyStaffPhoto);
          var htmlPhoneLine = "<a href='tel:1585594" + myPerson.phoneExtension + "'>(585) 594-" + myPerson.phoneExtension + "</a>";
          <a href="@myPerson.Url"><img src="@facultyStaffImage.umbracoFile" class="facultyImageSmall" /></a>
          <br />
          <br />

    The href value of the anchor tag around the image still works though.

    Is this the new way to do it, or is there a better way to assign the attributes of html elements in Razor?

  • Marc Goodson 2157 posts 14432 karma points MVP 9x c-trib
    Dec 24, 2015 @ 08:18
    Marc Goodson

    Hi Ben

     <br />
          <a href="@("tel:1555444" + myPerson.phoneExtension)">(555) [email protected]</a> 
          <br />

    should also work

    ie performing the concatenation inside the @() syntax

    It's breaking in your example because the @myPerson.phoneExtension is in the middle of the attribute and razor is not parsing it...



  • gary 385 posts 916 karma points
    Dec 24, 2015 @ 08:25

    Hi Ben, Marc

    Just noticed something . .

    var htmlPhoneLine = "<a href='tel:1585594" + myPerson.phoneExtension + "'>(585) 594-" + myPerson.phoneExtension + "</a>";

    In front of the tel: it is not a ".

    Maybe it will work if you amend this.

    Shouldn't be any changes between 7.2.8 and current, that is what made me look closer.



  • Ben 112 posts 398 karma points
    Dec 24, 2015 @ 13:51

    Hi Gary,

    Sorry I didn't provide the complete file. I have "@{}" around the whole code and since the that line is with in the foreach loop it didn't need the @ infront of it. It is currently working.

    In v7.2.8 I was able to write out a line like this and it worked:

    <a href="tel:[email protected]">(555) [email protected]</a>

    Something seems to have changed between v7.3.0 and v7.3.4.

    I will try the following when I get a chance:

    <a href="@("tel:1555444" + myPerson.phoneExtension)">(555) [email protected]</a>

    Thanks for your help Marc and Gary! I really appreciate it!

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