The file upload is working as expected at start. But after sometime, and of course few uploads, it looks like our files are deleted from the blob and the CDN cannot serve them anymore.
Is there something I'm missing? I have almost the same configuration in another project and it's working as expected. I tried reinstalling the whole thing but the problem occurs everytimes.
UmbracoAzureBlobStorage - Files lost after some times
Hey guys,
I have a project that uses a combination of these tools:
Azure website
Azure Blob
Azure CDN
UmbracoAzureBlobStorage - -
WindowsAzure.Storage - 4.3.0
Umbraco - 7.2.5 assembly: 1.0.5610.18894 -
The file upload is working as expected at start. But after sometime, and of course few uploads, it looks like our files are deleted from the blob and the CDN cannot serve them anymore.
Is there something I'm missing? I have almost the same configuration in another project and it's working as expected. I tried reinstalling the whole thing but the problem occurs everytimes. show us configuration that point directly to the blob, not the CDN as I do. Should I take a look at this?
is working on a reply...