UmbracoMemberIndexer taking huge time for indexing
We are in the process of migrating our Umbraco application from 7.2.4 to 7.3.5. We noticed that, after migration, Examine Indexer UmbracoExamine.UmbracoMemberIndexer in assembly UmbracoExamine is taking 3-4 hours to index 533835 records in cmsMember table.
We saw that the implementation for UmbracoMemberIndexer has changed from that of what existed in 7.2.4. We noticed that, following line takes lot of time to execute
159: members = _memberService.GetAll(pageIndex, pageSize, out total).ToArray();
We modified the above code to
pageSize = 10000;long lTotal;
var membersList = memberService.GetAll(pIndex, pageSize, out lTotal);
which resulted in a better performance.
Is there any way to configure page size?
Are there any other ways to speed up the performance of indexing?
Is there any way to let application serve requests and create indexes in background?
UmbracoMemberIndexer taking huge time for indexing
We are in the process of migrating our Umbraco application from 7.2.4 to 7.3.5. We noticed that, after migration, Examine Indexer UmbracoExamine.UmbracoMemberIndexer in assembly UmbracoExamine is taking 3-4 hours to index 533835 records in cmsMember table.
Analysis: We saw that the implementation for UmbracoMemberIndexer has changed from that of what existed in 7.2.4. We noticed that, following line takes lot of time to execute
159: members = _memberService.GetAll(pageIndex, pageSize, out total).ToArray();
We modified the above code to
which resulted in a better performance.
Thank you for your help!
is working on a reply...