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in web.config i add <add key="umbracoUseSSL" value="true" /> and umbracoSetings.config
<add key="umbracoUseSSL" value="true" />
<server forceProtocol="http|https"forcePortnumber="80"></server>
now can not connect https://localhost/umbraco i get error
why is it on the server everything works?
Should there be a space after |https"force so it should read |https" force
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https error
in web.config i add
<add key="umbracoUseSSL" value="true" />
and umbracoSetings.confignow can not connect https://localhost/umbraco i get error![enter image description here](/media/upload/92af5939-1936-4bfe-a251-12ac507b8f46/Capture.PNG)
why is it on the server everything works?
Should there be a space after |https"force so it should read |https" force
is working on a reply...