I suspect that the redirects are written to a table in the database rather than in the web.config, which would cause a recycle of the application pool each time...not ideal on a live site :)
So I think you should try and have a look in the database and look for some tables that could be related to the package.
Simple 301 - Where to view list of 301's in file.
Hi all, Im using the Simple 301 package for a clean, easy way for the content editor to organise the 301s.
Is there a way to check if the 301s are being written to file. I cant seem to find any reference in the web.config file.
Hi Martin
I suspect that the redirects are written to a table in the database rather than in the web.config, which would cause a recycle of the application pool each time...not ideal on a live site :)
So I think you should try and have a look in the database and look for some tables that could be related to the package.
If you would like to look through the source code as well it's available on Github here https://github.com/wkallhof/Simple301
is working on a reply...