I'm trying to update Umbraco Forms to fix the security issue, however I don't see the "A new version of Umbraco Forms is available" message or upgrade button on the Forms dashboard.
How old is your forms installation? If you installed it recently then you're probably runing 4.1.5 already maybe?
You can check the version number here /App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/version - Just open the file with a text editor to see the actual version you're runing and make sure not to confuse contour with forms :)
Ok - Then there should be a blue "upgrade" button visible when you access the forms section in the overview dashboard - Could you perhaps post a screendump so we can see what it looks like in your end?
But if you initially installed the forms package using nuget then you should also upgrade it using nuget.
Looks like the production site is actually on UmbracoForms.Package.4.1.2. The call to /umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoForms/Updates/GetUpdateStatus from our dev site is returning the following:
Hmm, that's weird - I had a nice blue button visible on the dashboard the other day as mentioned in the blogpost...Not sure why it's not visible on yours.
But perhaps you need to do the upgrade manually as Timo describes in the first comment to the blog post? - Make sure to make a backup of everything beforehand though.
Umbraco Forms update
I'm trying to update Umbraco Forms to fix the security issue, however I don't see the "A new version of Umbraco Forms is available" message or upgrade button on the Forms dashboard.
Please refer to the following link:
and try this also
hope this help
Hi Lesley
How old is your forms installation? If you installed it recently then you're probably runing 4.1.5 already maybe?
You can check the version number here /App_Plugins/UmbracoForms/version - Just open the file with a text editor to see the actual version you're runing and make sure not to confuse contour with forms :)
We're running v4.1.4
Hi Lesley
Ok - Then there should be a blue "upgrade" button visible when you access the forms section in the overview dashboard - Could you perhaps post a screendump so we can see what it looks like in your end?
But if you initially installed the forms package using nuget then you should also upgrade it using nuget.
Looks like the production site is actually on UmbracoForms.Package.4.1.2. The call to /umbraco/backoffice/UmbracoForms/Updates/GetUpdateStatus from our dev site is returning the following:
currentVersion=4.1.2 hoursSinceInstall=15 isPreRelease=true remoteVersion= upgradeAvailable=False
Hi Lesley
Hmm, that's weird - I had a nice blue button visible on the dashboard the other day as mentioned in the blogpost...Not sure why it's not visible on yours.
But perhaps you need to do the upgrade manually as Timo describes in the first comment to the blog post? - Make sure to make a backup of everything beforehand though.
is working on a reply...