Umbraco Logging - Switching from Log4Net to Serilog
As an evening pet hack project I have decided to replace Log4Net in Umbraco out with Serilog in version 8.
Why change it?
For some people, you may think 'Why are you changing it' when there is nothing wrong with it. Yes it does work just OK, but with part of Umbraco's goal of making things better, I think it could be improved a lot more.
With a logging framework such as Log4Net it outputs log messages be it to a .TXT file or into a database as a single string such as
2018-08-16 13:44:27,617 [P25420/D2/T1] INFO Umbraco.Core.PluginManager - Resolved umbraco.interfaces.IDiscoverable (took 352ms)
There is no easy way to search for items in the logfile or common patterns unless you love RegEx, which I for one don't.
So in comparison Serilog uses Message Templates - to create structured logging, which allows us to store properties with the log message, which allows us to query and search log entries a lot easier.
For example the same log message above could have the following properties
Log Level - INFO
Process ID - 25420
Thread ID - 1
App Domain ID - 2
Duration - 352
Type - umbraco.interfaces.IDiscoverable
So depending on how or where we store our log files, be it in a database table, third party tool such as SEQ. We will know have the power to find & query log items a lot easier.
Find me all log entires where the Thread ID is 1
Find me all log entries where the duration is greater than 400ms
Proposed PR
I have a PR that is pretty much finished and awaiting some feedback internally, but I wanted to discuss the changes I have done here, to get the community's feedback and input to ensure this is something the Umbraco community will benefit from & find useful.
One benefit is that this JSON file can be imported into a tool called SEQ, which is free for single user local development, allowing you to create complex queries and visually see your logs and any occurring patterns.
With Serilog it's easy to configure and extend to get logs stored somewhere else, which are known as Sinks in Serilog, which could also log messages into a database, ELMAH.IO, SEQ or many more tools or services.
The configuration of this can be achieved with a new proposed serilog.user.config file. Below is an example of configuring Serilog to create a custom log file for us, that only includes our custom namespace. Useful if you wanted to keep your log entries somewhere separate.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Controls log levels for all user-definied child sub-logger sinks configured here (Set this higher than child sinks) -->
<add key="serilog:minimum-level" value="Verbose" />
<!-- For Different Namespaces - Set different logging levels -->
<add key="serilog:minimum-level:override:Microsoft" value="Warning" />
<add key="serilog:minimum-level:override:Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc" value="Error" />
<add key="serilog:minimum-level:override:YourNameSpace" value="Information" />
<!-- All logs definied via user.config will contain this property (won't be in main Umbraco logs) -->
<add key="serilog:enrich:with-property:websiteName" value="Warrens Website" />
<!-- Write to a user log file -->
<add key="serilog:using:File" value="Serilog.Sinks.File" />
<add key="serilog:write-to:File.path" value="%BASEDIR%\logs\warren-log.txt" />
<add key="serilog:write-to:File.restrictedToMinimumLevel" value="Debug" /> <!-- I will be ignored as Debug as the user logging pipleine has it min set to Information, so only Info will flow through me -->
<add key="serilog:write-to:File.retainedFileCountLimit" value="32" /> <!-- Number of log files to keep (or remove value to keep all files) -->
<add key="serilog:write-to:File.rollingInterval" value="Day" /> <!-- Create a new log file every Minute/Hour/Day/Month/Year/infinite -->
<!-- Filters all above sink's to use this expression -->
<!-- Common use case is to include SourceType starting with your own namespace -->
<add key="serilog:using:FilterExpressions" value="Serilog.Filters.Expressions" />
<add key="serilog:filter:ByIncluding.expression" value="StartsWith(SourceContext, 'Umbraco.Core')" />
I want to hear from you...
I would love to hear from you, the wider Umbraco community to hear about your different logging needs. Do you do something currently complex or very custom with Log4Net. If so I would love to hear about it and ensure that these scenarios can still be achieved.
In regards to saving it to the Database this is also doable and I am currently thinking this may become default if we do some kind of built in log viewer in Umbraco 8
Maybe my original post is not very clear but the difference between the Log4Net approach & Serilog, is that Log4Net will only generate the formatted message in the log and you have no way of easily searching parts of a log message.
It will render in a text log as something like this
2018-08-16 13:44:27,617 [P25420/D2/T1] INFO Umbraco.Core.PluginManager - Resolved umbraco.interfaces.IDiscoverable (took 352ms)
However in addition in whatever datastore be it the additional JSON log file for example we will write to disk or store in a database I can get individual values out of the log message to search & query on.
So for this example I could search for all log entries in the log where the TimingDuration property is greater than 400 milliseconds.
If I was to do this with Log4Net I would only get the compiled message without the properties and I would have no simple way of searching through log entries unless you are a lover of a RegEx, which I am not :-P
Let me know if this is still not clear and I will try my best to get my point across in a different way.
Boo I don't know where my reply just went.. :(
But to sum it up again briefly.
Log4Net will store a rendered/compiled message, where Log4Net will store a message template along with properties.
So each property in a log message can be searched on with Serilog, where you will have to be a guru with RegEx to search partial parts of a log message to try and find the same results.
As an aside to this (and related to this thread) ... I was at your CG '18 talk and I've followed your instructions as per your slide to configure log4net to the Windows Event Viewer and it doesn't work for me - I've followed your instructions to the letter...
Just poking my head in here because there was mention of storing logs to the database.
In my experience, a large number of issues on Umbraco sites are due to database issues (e.g., database corruption, user changed, connectivity issue, etc.).
I would not recommend storing logs to the database, as then we would be unable to see the errors when there is a database issue.
Also, databases are more challenging to work with for some people. If there is a production outage, you don't want somebody who may not be as familiar with databases to have that as a barrier to figuring out the problem. A simple file on the file system makes it much easier to inspect the logs.
You might say they can just look at the log viewer in the back office (should such a feature get built), but that would not be the case if the site is down.
Of course, if you want to store both to the file system AND to the database, and a database outage would not prevent the file system log from working, then more power to you.
Hi Nicholas
Thanks for your feedback. Yes storing to the database would be in addition to the two log files that we will output. A txt file as before and a JSON log file that contains all the extra properties and info.
The only thing I would need to check is that if there is db errors or connectivity issues to the DB, that the text log files continue to output to disk all fine.
The only thought about storing it in the DB is for a built in log viewer, as a central store of logs. Where reading log files from disk into memory and searching could be less performant along with trying to deal with log files from different servers in load balanced environments.
I see that Umbraco 8 now includes Serilog as you suggested. I took a look at the documentation page, and installed Seq, but my question is this:
If I have a local Umbraco 8 site running on IIS.... how do I get those logs to show up in the Seq interface?
In Umbraco 7, I could just keep Notepad++ open on the log file, and pop over to read the latest messages easy-peasy. Now, though I see there is a json file in the folder... but it is really difficult to "read" when opened as a text file. I tried using JSON Buddy to view it in a more readable format, but it is not considered a valid JSON file, so it can't be parsed.
Each line in the log is valid JSON though, but that is indeed annoying.
Though Seq is cool, importing the data is an annoying command line thing and I didn't like it. Luckily Warren has been working on a tool to open Serilog log files in to make them easy to read, looks a lot like the viewer in the backoffice:
The last option is to configure Serilog to not write a JSON file but the TXT file that you prefer. Which the XML config files should give an example in the comments of the file on how to do it.
Warren - Nice job on the Windows desktop app, I've now installed it :-)
Also, I appreciate the info about configuring a sink - I assume this is how one would configure a centralized logging scheme? If you had a Seq server somewhere you could have all your sites logging to that same server?
Because I was having an installation error at the time of my post, I did need to read the log, and luckily I saw your commented example of enabling the TXT version int he config. That worked well in a pinch. Now that I have your nice tool (and I managed to get V8 installed correctly), I will switch it back to using the JSON format.
Yes Serilog uses the notion of Sinks, the community & Serilog themselves have written a ton of them to store logs in various formats and locations.
Want it logged to a DB, Azure Application Insights,, the list is almost endless.
But in regards to SEQ, you would have this installed & available on the internet somewhere so all your applications could log their messages into one central store for you to analyze & query.
It all really depends on your needs and how you like to look, view & store logs.
Is there a build-in way in SeriLog, where you can get an object containing the current log list and iterate through it via LINQ? Let's say, I want to display the whole log on a viewpage for example, like it is displayed in the backoffice.
It'd be really nice if the JsonLogViewer class was public rather than internal... that way I could put the logs directory where I want without needing to copy the source code into my own project.
e.g. I could just do this:
composition.SetLogViewer(_ => new JsonLogViewer(composition.Logger, myVeryCustomLogingPath ));
As it is, I needed to copy the whole JsonLogViewer.cs from the Umbraco source.
Yes - and the new backoffice log viewer works fantastic. I'm doing some dataimport frontend using ContentService and want to fetch the recent log after the import has finished, to show that the process has completed without errors. So I will adapt some of the logic from the JsonLogViewer.cs to do so.
@thomsen with Serilog you could create a new log file that only your custom application uses & display all messages from that log.
Alternatively, you can add some specific property and search only for log messages where that property exists to filter out the logs from Umbraco itself.
with Serilog you could create a new log file that only your custom application uses & display all messages from that log.
Got any samples on how to do this? :-) Currently setting up a new project where I want logging from the codebase to be written to Azure Blob Storage rather than to Umbracos log.
On the off chance that logs are less requesting available than put everything at stake. can you furthermore have differing log levels for different get-togethers. That is directly possible with log4net. Likewise, I should need to have a log watcher in the backend. Directly we need to present diplo log watcher on all our non cloud adventures.
I am not 100% sure I follow here and would recommend taking a read through some of Serilog documentation to see if it can help achieve what you want it to do.
Umbraco Logging - Switching from Log4Net to Serilog
As an evening pet hack project I have decided to replace Log4Net in Umbraco out with Serilog in version 8.
Why change it?
For some people, you may think 'Why are you changing it' when there is nothing wrong with it. Yes it does work just OK, but with part of Umbraco's goal of making things better, I think it could be improved a lot more.
With a logging framework such as Log4Net it outputs log messages be it to a .TXT file or into a database as a single string such as
There is no easy way to search for items in the logfile or common patterns unless you love RegEx, which I for one don't.
So in comparison Serilog uses Message Templates - to create structured logging, which allows us to store properties with the log message, which allows us to query and search log entries a lot easier.
For example the same log message above could have the following properties
So depending on how or where we store our log files, be it in a database table, third party tool such as SEQ. We will know have the power to find & query log items a lot easier.
Proposed PR
I have a PR that is pretty much finished and awaiting some feedback internally, but I wanted to discuss the changes I have done here, to get the community's feedback and input to ensure this is something the Umbraco community will benefit from & find useful.
So my PR configures Serilog as the default logging framework that will output the following out of the box:
An example of the JSON output is as follows:
For readability (as opposed to single line)
One benefit is that this JSON file can be imported into a tool called SEQ, which is free for single user local development, allowing you to create complex queries and visually see your logs and any occurring patterns.
With Serilog it's easy to configure and extend to get logs stored somewhere else, which are known as Sinks in Serilog, which could also log messages into a database, ELMAH.IO, SEQ or many more tools or services.
The configuration of this can be achieved with a new proposed
file. Below is an example of configuring Serilog to create a custom log file for us, that only includes our custom namespace. Useful if you wanted to keep your log entries somewhere separate.I want to hear from you...
I would love to hear from you, the wider Umbraco community to hear about your different logging needs. Do you do something currently complex or very custom with Log4Net. If so I would love to hear about it and ensure that these scenarios can still be achieved.
Hi Warren,
If logs are easier searchable than go for it.
can you also have different log levels for different assemblies. That is now possible with log4net.
And I would like to have a log viewer in the backend. Now we need to install diplo log viewer on all our non cloud projects.
Hi Dave, Yes in the Serilog.user.config sample above this snippet will control log levels for different namespaces.
And I am considering if we can make something ship in the core of Umbraco 8 to be a log viewer - but we will have to wait and see in regards to that.
Hi Warren,
I haven't tried this piece of code out, but I think it should be doable to save everything into the database into seperate fields:
For my CG18 Security-presentation I wanted to log Umbraco-authentication-events to Windows Event Viewer instead of only to the default .txt-files and that was a piece of cake (slide 123:
Maybe it's some inspiration, have a great weekend!
Hi Jeffery.
For logging the same log messages to Windows Event Log can be done with the Serilog Sink.
In regards to saving it to the Database this is also doable and I am currently thinking this may become default if we do some kind of built in log viewer in Umbraco 8
So for those two scenarios we have the possibility to get those two bases covered for you.
Hi Warren,
thanks but if Log4Net supports storing in the database, why would you replace it with Serilog? What does Serilog do more than Log4Net
Regards Jeffrey
ps: I do not want to encourage you to research this or implement this :P
Maybe my original post is not very clear but the difference between the Log4Net approach & Serilog, is that Log4Net will only generate the formatted message in the log and you have no way of easily searching parts of a log message.
So with the message template for Serilog
It will render in a text log as something like this
However in addition in whatever datastore be it the additional JSON log file for example we will write to disk or store in a database I can get individual values out of the log message to search & query on.
So for this example I could search for all log entries in the log where the TimingDuration property is greater than 400 milliseconds.
If I was to do this with Log4Net I would only get the compiled message without the properties and I would have no simple way of searching through log entries unless you are a lover of a RegEx, which I am not :-P
Let me know if this is still not clear and I will try my best to get my point across in a different way.
Warren :)
Boo I don't know where my reply just went.. :(
But to sum it up again briefly.
Log4Net will store a rendered/compiled message, where Log4Net will store a message template along with properties.
So each property in a log message can be searched on with Serilog, where you will have to be a guru with RegEx to search partial parts of a log message to try and find the same results.
Hi Jeffrey,
As an aside to this (and related to this thread) ... I was at your CG '18 talk and I've followed your instructions as per your slide to configure log4net to the Windows Event Viewer and it doesn't work for me - I've followed your instructions to the letter...
Any help appreciated.
Thanks, Rick
Just poking my head in here because there was mention of storing logs to the database.
In my experience, a large number of issues on Umbraco sites are due to database issues (e.g., database corruption, user changed, connectivity issue, etc.).
I would not recommend storing logs to the database, as then we would be unable to see the errors when there is a database issue.
Also, databases are more challenging to work with for some people. If there is a production outage, you don't want somebody who may not be as familiar with databases to have that as a barrier to figuring out the problem. A simple file on the file system makes it much easier to inspect the logs.
You might say they can just look at the log viewer in the back office (should such a feature get built), but that would not be the case if the site is down.
Of course, if you want to store both to the file system AND to the database, and a database outage would not prevent the file system log from working, then more power to you.
Hi Nicholas
Thanks for your feedback. Yes storing to the database would be in addition to the two log files that we will output. A txt file as before and a JSON log file that contains all the extra properties and info.
The only thing I would need to check is that if there is db errors or connectivity issues to the DB, that the text log files continue to output to disk all fine.
The only thought about storing it in the DB is for a built in log viewer, as a central store of logs. Where reading log files from disk into memory and searching could be less performant along with trying to deal with log files from different servers in load balanced environments.
Hi Warren,
I see that Umbraco 8 now includes Serilog as you suggested. I took a look at the documentation page, and installed Seq, but my question is this:
If I have a local Umbraco 8 site running on IIS.... how do I get those logs to show up in the Seq interface?
In Umbraco 7, I could just keep Notepad++ open on the log file, and pop over to read the latest messages easy-peasy. Now, though I see there is a json file in the folder... but it is really difficult to "read" when opened as a text file. I tried using JSON Buddy to view it in a more readable format, but it is not considered a valid JSON file, so it can't be parsed.
Each line in the log is valid JSON though, but that is indeed annoying.
Though Seq is cool, importing the data is an annoying command line thing and I didn't like it. Luckily Warren has been working on a tool to open Serilog log files in to make them easy to read, looks a lot like the viewer in the backoffice:
Hi Heather,
There are a couple of options:
You can add
from Nuget and add this configuration to the serilog config files.
The last option is to configure Serilog to not write a JSON file but the TXT file that you prefer. Which the XML config files should give an example in the comments of the file on how to do it.
Hopefully this helps.
Warren :)
Thanks, guys!
Warren - Nice job on the Windows desktop app, I've now installed it :-)
Also, I appreciate the info about configuring a sink - I assume this is how one would configure a centralized logging scheme? If you had a Seq server somewhere you could have all your sites logging to that same server?
Because I was having an installation error at the time of my post, I did need to read the log, and luckily I saw your commented example of enabling the TXT version int he config. That worked well in a pinch. Now that I have your nice tool (and I managed to get V8 installed correctly), I will switch it back to using the JSON format.
Yes Serilog uses the notion of Sinks, the community & Serilog themselves have written a ton of them to store logs in various formats and locations.
Want it logged to a DB, Azure Application Insights,, the list is almost endless.
But in regards to SEQ, you would have this installed & available on the internet somewhere so all your applications could log their messages into one central store for you to analyze & query.
It all really depends on your needs and how you like to look, view & store logs.
Is there a build-in way in SeriLog, where you can get an object containing the current log list and iterate through it via LINQ? Let's say, I want to display the whole log on a viewpage for example, like it is displayed in the backoffice.
Kind regards.
Have a look at how it's done for the backoffice logviewer:
It'd be really nice if the JsonLogViewer class was public rather than internal... that way I could put the logs directory where I want without needing to copy the source code into my own project.
e.g. I could just do this:
As it is, I needed to copy the whole JsonLogViewer.cs from the Umbraco source.
... or did I miss a way to configure that?
Nice - if nothing similar build in, that was what I was looking for. Thanks you!
No problem, but I'm unsure what you're trying to do? You've seen the logviewer in the backoffice Settings section, right?
Yes - and the new backoffice log viewer works fantastic. I'm doing some dataimport frontend using ContentService and want to fetch the recent log after the import has finished, to show that the process has completed without errors. So I will adapt some of the logic from the JsonLogViewer.cs to do so.
@thomsen with Serilog you could create a new log file that only your custom application uses & display all messages from that log.
Alternatively, you can add some specific property and search only for log messages where that property exists to filter out the logs from Umbraco itself.
Got any samples on how to do this? :-) Currently setting up a new project where I want logging from the codebase to be written to Azure Blob Storage rather than to Umbracos log.
Thanks in advance :-)
Hi Bo,
Check this part of the docs out
That should be enough to get you going. If you still get stuck give us a shout.
Warren :)
On the off chance that logs are less requesting available than put everything at stake. can you furthermore have differing log levels for different get-togethers. That is directly possible with log4net. Likewise, I should need to have a log watcher in the backend. Directly we need to present diplo log watcher on all our non cloud adventures.
Hello Juttalirizarry
I am not 100% sure I follow here and would recommend taking a read through some of Serilog documentation to see if it can help achieve what you want it to do.
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