you can set the default render item, in a Composer . (which is part of the new startup routines) - your RenderController needs to implement IRenderMvcController (which is auto-discovered so you don't need to add that explicity to a composition)
public class MyComposer : IUserComposer
public void Compose(Composition composition)
public class MyMvcController : IRenderMvcController
public void Execute(RequestContext requestContext)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public ActionResult Index(ContentModel model)
throw new NotImplementedException();
How do you implement a similar feature like DefaultRenderMvcControllerResolver in Umbraco8?
I was looking into UmbracoControllerFactory and RenderControllerFactory.
Hi Carl,
you can set the default render item, in a Composer . (which is part of the new startup routines) - your RenderController needs to implement IRenderMvcController (which is auto-discovered so you don't need to add that explicity to a composition)
Nice! Thanks.
Can't wait for more documentaion on version 8.
is working on a reply...