RuntimeBinderException: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Where'
During implementation of following method for Creating Dynamic Navigation Menu using Umbarco V8 -- Getting attached error so please suggest .
Thanks and waiting response from experts....
RuntimeBinderException: 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Where'
During implementation of following method for Creating Dynamic Navigation Menu using Umbarco V8 -- Getting attached error so please suggest . Thanks and waiting response from experts....
Hi Noor
Do not use dynamic type
Thanks Alex,
Then which data type needs to be use inested of dynamic kindly suggest.
Try to use IPublishedContent
And this is not datatype
Not getting where i need to use "IPubloshedContent"
Your code would be better like this:
Great Alex.......... Thanks Working now.
Alex ...Can you please help for below issue ... please suggest solution...
It's midnight at my place, I will have a look tomorrow.
Sure ... Thanks
is working on a reply...