Upgraded a Umbraco 7 install to v9 done the migration and all the content has correctly migrated but I am having a issue when I try to build the models.
The error is:
Failed to build models.
Could not find a datatype with identifier -88. (Parameter 'id')
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedContentTypeFactory.GetDataType(Int32 id)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedPropertyType..ctor(String propertyTypeAlias, Int32 dataTypeId, Boolean isUserProperty, ContentVariation variations, PropertyValueConverterCollection propertyValueConverters, IPublishedModelFactory publishedModelFactory, IPublishedContentTypeFactory factory)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedPropertyType..ctor(IPublishedContentType contentType, String propertyTypeAlias, Int32 dataTypeId, Boolean isUserProperty, ContentVariation variations, PropertyValueConverterCollection propertyValueConverters, IPublishedModelFactory publishedModelFactory, IPublishedContentTypeFactory factory)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedContentTypeFactory.CreateCorePropertyType(IPublishedContentType contentType, String propertyTypeAlias, Int32 dataTypeId, ContentVariation variations)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedContentType.EnsureMemberProperties(List`1 propertyTypes, IPublishedContentTypeFactory factory)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedContentType..ctor(IContentTypeComposition contentType, IPublishedContentTypeFactory factory)
at Umbraco.Cms.Core.Models.PublishedContent.PublishedContentTypeFactory.CreateContentType(IContentTypeComposition contentType)
at Umbraco.Cms.Infrastructure.ModelsBuilder.UmbracoServices.GetTypes(PublishedItemType itemType, IContentTypeComposition[] contentTypes)
at Umbraco.Cms.Infrastructure.ModelsBuilder.UmbracoServices.GetAllTypes()
at Umbraco.Cms.Infrastructure.ModelsBuilder.Building.ModelsGenerator.GenerateModels()
at Umbraco.Cms.Web.BackOffice.ModelsBuilder.ModelsBuilderDashboardController.BuildModels()
I have looked though the db for any reference to an id -8 8 and all I can find is in the logs saying it was deleted back in 2019.
It looks like it could be in the mebers from the error but I can;t see whre.
This was caused by the inbuilt textbox being gone.
Ran this command and to restore it and it fixed the issue:
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[umbracoNode] ON
insert into [dbo].[umbracoNode] (id,uniqueId, parentId, [level], [path], sortOrder, trashed, nodeUser, text, nodeObjectType, createDate)
values (-88, '0CC0EBA1-9960-42C9-BF9B-60E150B429AE', -1, 1, '-1,-88', 32, 0, -1, 'Textstring', '30A2A501-1978-4DDB-A57B-F7EFED43BA3C', getDate())
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[umbracoNode] OFF
insert into [dbo].[umbracoDataType] (nodeId, propertyEditorAlias, dbType, config)
values (-88, 'Umbraco.TextBox', 'Nvarchar', NULL)
Model Builder error
Upgraded a Umbraco 7 install to v9 done the migration and all the content has correctly migrated but I am having a issue when I try to build the models.
The error is:
I have looked though the db for any reference to an id -8 8 and all I can find is in the logs saying it was deleted back in 2019.
It looks like it could be in the mebers from the error but I can;t see whre.
thanks for any help
This was caused by the inbuilt textbox being gone.
Ran this command and to restore it and it fixed the issue:
is working on a reply...