There is an issue with a media node if the media node's name is empty.
It is not possible to create a media item without name using backoffice. However it is possible using an API. I had that issues when my custom media import scripts somehow created an empty media node.
missing any of the 'nodeName,__nodeName' elements
There is an issue with a media node if the media node's name is empty. It is not possible to create a media item without name using backoffice. However it is possible using an API. I had that issues when my custom media import scripts somehow created an empty media node.
Its the issue discussed here
the errors : The valueDictionary is not formatted correctly and is missing any of the 'nodeName,__nodeName' elements.
Affected version: 7.1.6 and above.
How to reproduce: 1) first create a media with a empty name.
2) try to read the media later on
It throws the error "the valueDictionary is not formatted correctly and is missing any of the 'nodeName,__nodeName' elements"
How did you resolve this issue?
I use umbraco v7.12.3
is working on a reply...