The gitignore that was provided with the standard project that we used for Umbraco as a Service has some statements that we are unsure of. We are using the Team Services deploy task.
I don't know how this VSTS task works but we currently don't have anything on UaaS that restores the bin folder automatically, so as far as I know: yes it has to be committed to git in order for DLL's to actually deploy to your UaaS site.
gitignore issues
The gitignore that was provided with the standard project that we used for Umbraco as a Service has some statements that we are unsure of. We are using the Team Services deploy task.
Our solution looks like this:
The gitignore does not take into account that the web resources folder (including the bin folder and App_Data folder etc...) are inside of that.
This should be corrected?
bin folder
Then, the bin folder isn't ignored. This means it goes into version control. Is this correct?
I don't know how this VSTS task works but we currently don't have anything on UaaS that restores the bin folder automatically, so as far as I know: yes it has to be committed to git in order for DLL's to actually deploy to your UaaS site.
Ok, understood. That includes all *.dll, *.xml, *.manifest and *.pdb files? in short: the entire bin content?
I'm sure you could live without the pdb and xml files. :- ) They're not required for the site to operate.
Good ;)
is working on a reply...