We currently use courier express to move new/updated content from a staging website to a production website.
Within the Users tab we have groups and users configured on our staging site and wanted to know if there was a way (e.g. using courier) to push these same user account details to our production site.
Otherwise, I will have to replicate the groups, the users (50+) and the permissions manually on to our production server.
User/Group accounts deploy using courier?
We currently use courier express to move new/updated content from a staging website to a production website.
Within the Users tab we have groups and users configured on our staging site and wanted to know if there was a way (e.g. using courier) to push these same user account details to our production site.
Otherwise, I will have to replicate the groups, the users (50+) and the permissions manually on to our production server.
Many thanks in advance.
is working on a reply...