We are having an issue where the Insert Form macro will not allow us to select a form. Included are screenshots. When I click the 'Add' button, nothing happens, although I was under the impression that the forms we have created should show up as a list instead of the 'Add' button.
I have checked folder permissions, and they are correct. I have also ensured that the UmbracoForms files are in the App_Plugins folder.
I can see that you have upgraded to Umbraco 7.6.x and when you do this you also need to use Umbraco 6.0.x so there for you will need to upgrade your forms to 6.0.1
It's very strange that it says version 4.4.2 in forms, because I have the latest version installed via NuGet. Actually, I didn't install it in the project until after the upgrade because we've only very recently started using forms.
Okay could you please check the version file in the /App_Plugins/UmbracoForms
After this please make sure that you have this macro in your installation
And the content of the file should be located in ~/Views/MacroPartials/InsertUmbracoFormWithTheme.cshtml
The name of the site should be InsertUmbracoFormWithTheme and contains this content
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
@if (Model.MacroParameters["FormGuid"] != null)
var s = Model.MacroParameters["FormGuid"].ToString();
var theme = "";
var includeScripts = true;
If a theme is provided as a macro parameter, forms will attempt to use custom theme files
ex: given the value "test", forms will look up views for the form and fields in a custom directory:
Form will be rendered with
Fields will be rendered with
If a file is not available in the custom directory, forms will fallback to the default files in
theme = Model.MacroParameters["FormTheme"].ToString();
if (Model.MacroParameters.ContainsKey("ExcludeScripts"))
Inverse the boolean - RenderAction Parameter expects it to be false for exclusion
But with default value for Macro Paramater boolean/checkbox being false
We want to ensure by default we include the scripts next to the form
includeScripts = Model.MacroParameters["ExcludeScripts"].ToString() == "0";
var form = new Guid(s);
var recordGuid = Guid.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["recordId"]) == false)
Guid.TryParse(Request.QueryString["recordId"], out recordGuid);
Html.RenderAction("RenderForm", "UmbracoForms", new {formId = form, recordId = recordGuid, theme = theme, includeScripts = includeScripts });
You should also have a partial view macro file called. RenderUmbracoFormScripts.cshtml
This should contain the following code.
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
@using Umbraco.Forms.Web.Controllers
@if (TempData["UmbracoForms"] != null)
foreach (var form in (List<Guid>)TempData["UmbracoForms"])
Html.RenderAction("Render", "UmbracoForms", new { formId = form, mode = "script"});
I uninstalled forms, deleted the folder in App_Plugins, and then re-installed it. Now the version is 6.0.1 and looks as it should for the new version, but it still is not working properly (not showing my forms to select from), and I'm getting a javascript error on the content page while trying to insert a form.
Thanks again for the responses. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it started working after I deleted the UmbracoForms files in the App_Plugins folder, the uninstalled and re-installed the package via NuGet.
It didn't initially work, but then [insert magic here] happened and it started working. The manual method of installing with the zip was not necessary.
Cannot Insert Forms
We are having an issue where the Insert Form macro will not allow us to select a form. Included are screenshots. When I click the 'Add' button, nothing happens, although I was under the impression that the forms we have created should show up as a list instead of the 'Add' button.
I have checked folder permissions, and they are correct. I have also ensured that the UmbracoForms files are in the App_Plugins folder.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hi Jeff and welcome to our.
I can see that you have upgraded to Umbraco 7.6.x and when you do this you also need to use Umbraco 6.0.x so there for you will need to upgrade your forms to 6.0.1
Try to see how you can do it here https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/Add-ons/UmbracoForms/Installation/Version-Specific
Before you do the upgrade I highly recommend you to take a backup so you can rollback in case that the upgrade did not goes as planed.
Hope this helps,
Hey Dennis,
Thanks for the quick reply.
It's very strange that it says version 4.4.2 in forms, because I have the latest version installed via NuGet. Actually, I didn't install it in the project until after the upgrade because we've only very recently started using forms.
Hi Jeff,
Could you please check what the dll of Umbraco Forms says in the bin folder?
It is 6.0.1.
Hi Jeff,
Okay could you please check the version file in the /App_Plugins/UmbracoForms
After this please make sure that you have this macro in your installation
And the content of the file should be located in ~/Views/MacroPartials/InsertUmbracoFormWithTheme.cshtml
The name of the site should be InsertUmbracoFormWithTheme and contains this content
You should also have a partial view macro file called. RenderUmbracoFormScripts.cshtml
This should contain the following code.
Hope this helps,
I uninstalled forms, deleted the folder in App_Plugins, and then re-installed it. Now the version is 6.0.1 and looks as it should for the new version, but it still is not working properly (not showing my forms to select from), and I'm getting a javascript error on the content page while trying to insert a form.
Hi Jeff.
Could you please try to install it as a local package using this https://umbraconightlies.blob.core.windows.net/umbraco-forms-release/UmbracoForms.Package.6.0.1.zip
So first uninstall the Umbraco Forms package, and install it with the link above.
Hey Dennis,
Thanks again for the responses. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but it started working after I deleted the UmbracoForms files in the App_Plugins folder, the uninstalled and re-installed the package via NuGet.
It didn't initially work, but then [insert magic here] happened and it started working. The manual method of installing with the zip was not necessary.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated.
is working on a reply...