Any suggestions on how we go about populating the form fields of a Forms based form when passing in a record id. Currently we are using a javascript string to run through all form field types and add to the form once the page is loaded but would ideally like to do it using MVC in someway through the model rather than through javascript? This is the function we run to gen the javascript at the moment.
public static string GenerateJavascriptToPopuplateFormFromRecord(Guid recordGuid, Guid formGuid)
FormStorage fs = new FormStorage();
Form form = fs.GetForm(formGuid);
RecordStorage rs = new RecordStorage();
Record record = rs.GetRecordByUniqueId(recordGuid, form);
StringBuilder js = new StringBuilder();
// populate answers
if (record != null)
if (record.RecordFields != null && record.RecordFields.Count() > 0)
foreach (var field in record.RecordFields)
if (field.Value != null && field.Value.Field != null)
var type = CGHelper.CleanString(field.Value.Field.FieldType.Name).ToLower();
var value = field.Value.ValuesAsString().NullSafeToString();
switch (type)
case "multiplechoice":
case "quizcheckboxlist":
if (field.Value.Values.Count() > 0)
foreach (var v in field.Value.Values)
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').find('input[value=" + v.ToString().Trim() + "]').prop('checked', 'checked');");
case "singlechoice":
case "quizradiobuttonlist":
if (value != String.Empty)
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').find('input[value=" + value + "]').prop('checked', 'checked');");
case "checkbox":
if (value.ToLower() == "true")
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').prop('checked', 'checked');");
case "date":
case "dropdown":
if (value != String.Empty)
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').val('" + value + "');");
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').parents('.selector').first().find('span').text('" + value + "');");
case "fileupload":
if (value != String.Empty)
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').val('" + value + "');");
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').parents('.form-group').append('<a href=\"" + value + "\" download=\"" + value + "\" target=\"_blank\">" + value + "</a>');");
if (value != String.Empty)
js.AppendLine("$('#" + field.Value.FieldId + "').val('" + value + "');");
var toReturn = new StringBuilder();
toReturn.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">");
toReturn.AppendLine("$(document).ready(function() {");
return toReturn.ToString();
return string.Empty;
return string.Empty;
If you use the default insertforms script you can add the recordId in the querystring. That should get the entry you want to edit.
You can see it in the InsertUmbracoFom.chtml below:
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Macros.PartialViewMacroPage
@if (Model.MacroParameters["FormGuid"] != null)
var s = Model.MacroParameters["FormGuid"].ToString();
var g = new Guid(s);
var recordGuid = Guid.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["recordId"]) == false)
Guid.TryParse(Request.QueryString["recordId"], out recordGuid);
Html.RenderAction("Render", "UmbracoForms", new {formId = g, recordId = recordGuid });
Best way to populate fields on UmbracoForms
Any suggestions on how we go about populating the form fields of a Forms based form when passing in a record id. Currently we are using a javascript string to run through all form field types and add to the form once the page is loaded but would ideally like to do it using MVC in someway through the model rather than through javascript? This is the function we run to gen the javascript at the moment.
Better suggestions welcome!
If you use the default insertforms script you can add the recordId in the querystring. That should get the entry you want to edit.
You can see it in the InsertUmbracoFom.chtml below:
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