I have a form that you fill out the information and hit the submit button and it performs logic to email it to the proper office it needs to go to. I put the recaptcha2 question onto the form and no matter if the field is marked required or not it's still sending out the email. The rest of the fields are marked required and work properly it's just the captcha that is still allowing the post code to run. Does anyone know how to prevent this or have any ideas so I can actually have the captcha work properly? I think the form I'm trying to use it on is a Contour form if that makes a difference.
The cs file referenced a light and dark theme but Neither I nor the person supporting me had that theme. So I was informed to change it to clean and normal which compiled. I also had to add 'using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Attributes;' to get the cs file to compile. Am I missing files?
You can apply break point at ValidateField methods in ReCaptcha2.cs and then navigate to see how it works. This method executes before saving of records and email process. Once this is successful then only rest of the process is completed. Introspecting this method will fix your issue.
You have correct set of files but I am not sure if something is missing from ReCaptcha2.cs
As using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Attributes; is already added in the class.
I don't have the project in visual studios I use the web client to modify the front of the site and Azure to work with the back end files. If I open it in visual studios and attach a debugger its going to bring the whole site down. Do you have a recommendation of how to bring the code down for a test site? I have tried a few things but its not really working.
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net;
using System.Web;
using System.Linq;
using Umbraco.Core.Logging;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Attributes;
namespace WebApplication2.App_Code
public sealed class Recaptcha2 : FieldType
public Recaptcha2()
Id = new Guid("B69DEAEB-ED75-4DC9-BFB8-D036BF9D3730");
Name = "Recaptcha2";
FieldTypeViewName = "FieldType.Recaptcha2.cshtml";
Description = "Google Recaptcha v2";
Icon = "icon-eye";
DataType = FieldDataType.String;
SortOrder = 120;
Category = "Simple";
[Setting("Theme", prevalues = "clean, normal", description = "ReCaptcha v2 theme", view = "dropdownlist")]
public string Theme { get; set; }
[Setting("Size", prevalues = "normal,compact", description = "ReCaptcha v2 size", view = "dropdownlist")]
public string Size { get; set; }
[Setting("Error message", description = "The error message to display when the user does not pass the Recaptcha check", view = "TextField")]
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
public override IEnumerable<string> ValidateField(Form form, Field field, IEnumerable<object> postedValues, HttpContextBase context)
var secretKey = Configuration.GetSetting("RecaptchaPrivateKey");
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secretKey))
// just return the error message
var configurationError = string.Format("ERROR: ReCaptcha v2 is missing the secret key - Please update the '/app_plugins/umbracoforms/umbracoforms.config' to include 'key=\"RecaptchaPrivateKey\"'");
return new[] { configurationError };
var reCaptchaResponse = HttpContext.Current.Request["g-recaptcha-response"];
var url = string.Format("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret={0}&response={1}", secretKey, reCaptchaResponse);
var isSuccess = false;
var errorCodes = new List<string>();
using (var client = new WebClient())
var response = client.DownloadString(url);
var responseParsed = JObject.Parse(response);
//Get Success Status
JToken sucessToken;
var sucessFound = responseParsed.TryGetValue("success", out sucessToken);
if (sucessFound)
isSuccess = sucessToken.Value<bool>();
//Get Error codes
JToken errorsToken;
var errorsFound = responseParsed.TryGetValue("error-codes", out errorsToken);
if (errorsFound)
errorCodes.AddRange(errorsToken.Children().Select(child => child.Value<string>()));
if (isSuccess)
return Enumerable.Empty<string>();
var error = field.Settings["ErrorMessage"];
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(error))
error = "Make sure to complete the \"I am not a robot\" challenge";
var errors = new List<string> { error };
return errors;
public override bool StoresData
return false;
It seems to work. I managed to figure out how to download the files and put them into visual studios so I can sort of debug this thing. This works, but it doesn't stop my other code from running and I'm not sure how to capture the results of the captcha. The code that runs next is in a .cshtml file:
I ended up bringing the Umbraco version up to a more currect one and it fixed it.
we went from 7.5.x to 7.15.x (I would need to login to see the actual versioning) but that solved the problem. however the upgrade process was an intense one and we ended up needing to update parts of the code once the upgrade was complete. So if you're planning to update a huge jump like that make sure to alot time for fixing something that may break and always keep a backup it took 2 tries to successfully get it up that far.
Recaptcha2 not working properly with Forms
Umbraco version 7.5.4 Forms Version: :"4.4.2"
I have a form that you fill out the information and hit the submit button and it performs logic to email it to the proper office it needs to go to. I put the recaptcha2 question onto the form and no matter if the field is marked required or not it's still sending out the email. The rest of the fields are marked required and work properly it's just the captcha that is still allowing the post code to run. Does anyone know how to prevent this or have any ideas so I can actually have the captcha work properly? I think the form I'm trying to use it on is a Contour form if that makes a difference.
Does recaptcha 2 is implemented properly in this case? It seems recaptcha 2 is ignored while submitting details and email is sent.
Have you used a package for Recaptcha 2.0?
I was told by support that my version of forms had a bug with the recaptcha so they sent me these files:
\appcode\ReCaptcha2.cs \AppPlugins\UmbracoForms\Backoffice\Common\FieldTypes\Recaptcha2.html \App_Plugins\UmbracoForms\Images\recaptcha2.png \Views\Partials\Forms\FieldTypes\FieldType.Recaptcha2.cshtml \Views\Partials\Forms\Themes\default\FieldTypes\FieldType.Recaptcha2.cshtml
The cs file referenced a light and dark theme but Neither I nor the person supporting me had that theme. So I was informed to change it to clean and normal which compiled. I also had to add 'using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Attributes;' to get the cs file to compile. Am I missing files?
You can apply break point at ValidateField methods in ReCaptcha2.cs and then navigate to see how it works. This method executes before saving of records and email process. Once this is successful then only rest of the process is completed. Introspecting this method will fix your issue.
You have correct set of files but I am not sure if something is missing from ReCaptcha2.cs
As using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Attributes; is already added in the class.
I don't have the project in visual studios I use the web client to modify the front of the site and Azure to work with the back end files. If I open it in visual studios and attach a debugger its going to bring the whole site down. Do you have a recommendation of how to bring the code down for a test site? I have tried a few things but its not really working.
Please can share recaptcha2.cs
So this is what they gave me:
It seems to work. I managed to figure out how to download the files and put them into visual studios so I can sort of debug this thing. This works, but it doesn't stop my other code from running and I'm not sure how to capture the results of the captcha. The code that runs next is in a .cshtml file:
I attempted to use the Request.Form with the captcha ID but it didnt return a result. Any suggestions on getting this to work?
@AsheM I'm seeing something similar in an implementation and I'm curious if there was ever a resolution for your issue.
Thank you.
I ended up bringing the Umbraco version up to a more currect one and it fixed it.
we went from 7.5.x to 7.15.x (I would need to login to see the actual versioning) but that solved the problem. however the upgrade process was an intense one and we ended up needing to update parts of the code once the upgrade was complete. So if you're planning to update a huge jump like that make sure to alot time for fixing something that may break and always keep a backup it took 2 tries to successfully get it up that far.
Thank you for that information. I've already been eyeing the upgrade path and I think we're going to be heading down that path.
Both are really good suggestions on the upgrade effort. I'm definitely making note of the backups and the possible attempts.
Thank you!
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