I am using umbraco heartcore and when I tried to fetch data using GraphQL query then I am not able to get the cropped alias in GraphQL query. So can you please help me out to resolve this.
Try this. Essentially, you just need to add the crop property as a subselection of the media property. You can find more details on how to query your content/media in GraphQL playground docs in the backoffice :)
Issue in image cropper in GraphQL queries.
I am using umbraco heartcore and when I tried to fetch data using GraphQL query then I am not able to get the cropped alias in GraphQL query. So can you please help me out to resolve this.
Try this:
The url line will return the default URL of the image
The one I called cropped will return the URL with the crops. You can call it anything you like.
I am querying like this.
query { allWellnessHubProgram( where: { category:"Mind" }, orderBy: createDate_DESC, first: 6, , ){ items{id, title, description, programAuthor, jWPlayerPlaylistID, category, totalSessionStages, level, environment, tags, bannerImage{focalPointUrlTemplate}, renderSection }, pageInfo{hasNextPage, endCursor} } }
what I need to change to get cropping alias URL?
Try this. Essentially, you just need to add the crop property as a subselection of the media property. You can find more details on how to query your content/media in GraphQL playground docs in the backoffice :)
is working on a reply...