Within the last week it seems that something have changed in terms of how the CDN heartcore relies on works.
Are there someone that can shed some light on it.
1) We are using the API (not graphql) to retrieve content, and it now seems to be case-sensitive, which I don't believe it was previously (I'm assuming this is not a deliberate change)
CDN changes with heartcore?
Within the last week it seems that something have changed in terms of how the CDN heartcore relies on works.
Are there someone that can shed some light on it.
1) We are using the API (not graphql) to retrieve content, and it now seems to be case-sensitive, which I don't believe it was previously (I'm assuming this is not a deliberate change)
2) The json returned contains CDN links to images, they used to have a format
these URLs no longer resolve they return 404, but are still returned from the API as part of the JSON. I have found out that if I instead use:https://stage-<PROJECTNAME>.euwest01.umbraco.io/media/303be5tb/<IMAGE>.svg
then images resolve.Hi, please write directly to support via chat about it instead.
I have not received anything from support, I have opened cases on two different customers last week.
So I was hoping someone else had experienced the issue and would share here.
Then you could write here - https://github.com/umbraco/Umbraco.heartcore.issues instead but then again, it doesn't make much sense to write in several places about the same issue.
Ideally, wait for an answer from support : )
Very few people use the Heartcore forum.
is working on a reply...