All my forms have disappeared from the designer tab view
running contour locally, when I click on my forms from within the tree --> the dsigner view is blank except for the " Previous Next Create new form step " links. Help?! running JUNO umbraco latest version of Contour (1.1.3)
Ahh, sorry... fixed now. I remembered I mucked about with one of the cotour .js files as I wanted to do some of my error messages as modals... decided that was a bad idea and put in my own file. but must've broken something in the process, have just copied over the scripts folder from a fresh install and it's working fine now. Sorry for wasting your time! thanks.
All my forms have disappeared from the designer tab view
running contour locally, when I click on my forms from within the tree --> the dsigner view is blank except for the " Previous Next Create new form step " links. Help?!
running JUNO umbraco latest version of Contour (1.1.3)
are there any obvious things I can Check?
Maybe it's a licencing issue? is there a trial/local licence available for testing?
- Tim
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Hi Tim,
You should get an error message if the license isn't valid, to make sure just remove the license and see if you get the trail message again.
Did this happen suddenly, or after adding someting?
It's just a trial version at the moment (no licence in bin folder)
it happened after submitting one of my forms when I was testing.
I guess I might be able to export my forms and then reinstall contour and re-import them or something similar?
- Tim
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That's strange, and it's the same on all forms?
Ahh, sorry... fixed now. I remembered I mucked about with one of the cotour .js files as I wanted to do some of my error messages as modals... decided that was a bad idea and put in my own file. but must've broken something in the process, have just copied over the scripts folder from a fresh install and it's working fine now. Sorry for wasting your time! thanks.
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Great, glad it's solved
I am having the same problem. I am a newbie. Installed Umbraco. Then installed the Contour package and its license.
However, when I try to create a new form, the designer page is empty (except for the "Previous", "Next" and "Create new form step" buttons).
I have restarted the app on IIS (didn't think I need to). Renaming the license file (it toggles between trial/licensed mode). Verified
all the config files are updated by the install package.
Am I missing something obvious?
I'm having the same problem thai tjen. Did you find a solution?
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If you are installing contour on 4.7.1 or later make sure to use at least contour 1.1.10
I you are using contour on version before 4.5 use 1.1.9
Thanks Tim. I tried 1.1.11; it worked like a charm.
I tried different things and finally made it work.
I *THINK* that was after I downloaded the newer version of Contour.
is working on a reply...