The best I could find was, without having to faff about looking for third party components that you then have to begin considering the reliability (and whatever else) of, to create a 'Description' field of type 'Hiddenfield' and specify the value as part of the form. This allows for the hiddens to be swapped out for visibles using the value as content with jQuery's `replace`.
This is far from ideal, and just as much a carry on as going, getting and using a non-standard element; but showed benefits in the immediate, with more time I would seriously consider a separate control or making my own.
As a side note, this, in my opinion, should be standard functionality, i.e. adding inputless labels, text between fieldsets and supporting rich text (by just not stripping it out!).
Place plain text in contour form?
How can i place static plain text into contour form before submit button.
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Well you could create a label fieldtype, that doesn't have any input control but just some text.
To get started take a look at the contour shared sourcecode:
Able to insert few paragraphs of text by using JQuery.Please suggest if any have any other ideas?
The best I could find was, without having to faff about looking for third party components that you then have to begin considering the reliability (and whatever else) of, to create a 'Description' field of type 'Hiddenfield' and specify the value as part of the form. This allows for the hiddens to be swapped out for visibles using the value as content with jQuery's `replace`.
This is far from ideal, and just as much a carry on as going, getting and using a non-standard element; but showed benefits in the immediate, with more time I would seriously consider a separate control or making my own.
As a side note, this, in my opinion, should be standard functionality, i.e. adding inputless labels, text between fieldsets and supporting rich text (by just not stripping it out!).
is working on a reply...