I'm trying to create a RecordActionType to print a record. I'd like to have it work like the 'Edit Values' RecordActionType, where it opens the record in a new window. I'm trying to figure out how this is done. I've downloaded the Contour Shared Source but its not in there.
Does anybody know how to do that? I already created the print page, and it works if I type the url in the address bar, not I just need to add it to the record actions.
publicclassEditRecord : RecordActionType
public EditRecord()
this.Description = "Opens the record editor to allow to change values after the record has been submitted";
this.Icon = "edit.png";
this.Id = newGuid("461ea480-9334-11df-981c-0800200c9a66");
this.Name = "Edit values";
this.JsAction = "window.open('previewFormDialog.aspx?recordGuid=' + selectedContextGuid);";
publicoverride Enums.RecordActionStatus Execute(Record record, Form form)
//this will never trigger as JsAction overrides the js that would have triggered itreturn Enums.RecordActionStatus.Completed;
Print Record
I'm trying to create a RecordActionType to print a record. I'd like to have it work like the 'Edit Values' RecordActionType, where it opens the record in a new window. I'm trying to figure out how this is done. I've downloaded the Contour Shared Source but its not in there.
Does anybody know how to do that? I already created the print page, and it works if I type the url in the address bar, not I just need to add it to the record actions.
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Hi Clair,
For an example of record action and record set actions types check out this code: http://contourstrikesagain.codeplex.com
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Code snippet of the edit record:
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Sourcecode for all default providers is available on sourcecode tab of the contour project page:
The archive umbraco.core.forms.providers.zip
Thanks Tim. this.JsAction is what I needed.
is working on a reply...