Getting url variable in an xslt transformed email.
Hopefully this is a quick one, but it needs some explanation. If you dont want an explanation skip to the bottom:
the site has a list of jobs, and when you click one you can view details for that particular job. What im working on is a "tip a friend" function that is shown when a detailed view of a job is shown.
when a detailed view is shown, the url looks like this . The ID in the url, is for the pages to use, so they know what job to get information from (they are stored in an external database, and it also makes it easier for users to link to).
The problem:
So, if you want to tip a friend about that job, you click the tip a friend, and a lightbox showing an iframe of the contour form is displayed. It then sends and email to the friends email that the user typed in, along with a url that has the id passed along. I can easily get it by writing [@id] in the text field in the contour workflow dialog box if use the standard "send email" workflow.
But how do i do the same with an xslt transformed email?
I would add a hidden field to the contour form and then use the special syntax to fill that with the value of the url param, so that way it's part of your record and you can use it in your xslt ...
Details on the syntax can be found in the dev docs
Getting url variable in an xslt transformed email.
Hopefully this is a quick one, but it needs some explanation. If you dont want an explanation skip to the bottom:
the site has a list of jobs, and when you click one you can view details for that particular job. What im working on is a "tip a friend" function that is shown when a detailed view of a job is shown.
when a detailed view is shown, the url looks like this . The ID in the url, is for the pages to use, so they know what job to get information from (they are stored in an external database, and it also makes it easier for users to link to).
The problem:
So, if you want to tip a friend about that job, you click the tip a friend, and a lightbox showing an iframe of the contour form is displayed. It then sends and email to the friends email that the user typed in, along with a url that has the id passed along. I can easily get it by writing [@id] in the text field in the contour workflow dialog box if use the standard "send email" workflow.
But how do i do the same with an xslt transformed email?
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I would add a hidden field to the contour form and then use the special syntax to fill that with the value of the url param, so that way it's part of your record and you can use it in your xslt ...
Details on the syntax can be found in the dev docs
Ah of course! You know when you think a solution cant be this simple so you completly overlook the obvious route. Thank you.
is working on a reply...