I'm not 100% sure where the problem originates, but here goes.
I have a pretty simple Form that i have made in Contour. The form send the email as told, but when i recieve the mail the character set is all messed up. The letters Æ Ø Å (danish) are missing and in the mail looks like:
"s? han m?lte ud til et skab
der var 170/75 cm. i h?jden, det kan lade sig g?re n?r skuffen under det
nuv?rende skab fjernes, det skulle jeg selv g?re. et par dage efter ringede han
og fortalte at det nye skab var p? vej, desv?rre er det ikke n?et"
Æ Ø Å is in other words beeing replaced by "?".
I normally use utf-8 to make sure the characters are displayed properly in other contexts, but i can't find anywhere to declare the charset in contour.
Missing characters in e-mails
Hi everybody
I'm not 100% sure where the problem originates, but here goes.
I have a pretty simple Form that i have made in Contour. The form send the email as told, but when i recieve the mail the character set is all messed up. The letters Æ Ø Å (danish) are missing and in the mail looks like:
"s? han m?lte ud til et skab der var 170/75 cm. i h?jden, det kan lade sig g?re n?r skuffen under det nuv?rende skab fjernes, det skulle jeg selv g?re. et par dage efter ringede han og fortalte at det nye skab var p? vej, desv?rre er det ikke n?et"
Æ Ø Å is in other words beeing replaced by "?".
I normally use utf-8 to make sure the characters are displayed properly in other contexts, but i can't find anywhere to declare the charset in contour.
Hope sombody can help, and thanks in regards.
It should be noted that the characters is presented perfect under "Entires" in Contour, and the problem is also there if i try to create a new form.
I have localized the problem to it only occours when i switch to "Send mail, extened" (contour contrib) in the workflow.
Will post a new threat on the Contour Contrib support-board, and will post a solution here if i find it.
is working on a reply...