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  • Robert J. Bullock 386 posts 405 karma points
    Aug 06, 2012 @ 17:36
    Robert J. Bullock

    Contour Shortcomings

    There are a few things I'd like to see in Contour that would make it much easier to work with. 

    1. Field Name/ID: It would be useful if I could set the field name/id separately from the caption and if the rendered ASP.NET controls utilized the ID's using the "Static" Client ID mode.
    2. Fieldsets: There's no way to create fieldsets, or groups of fields, which would help in layout tasks.
    3. CSS Editing: It's a little tricky figuring out the CSS for modifying the form layout. It would be great if you could choose a CSS file to be included with the form page from the form Settings tab. If Contour could generate a starter CSS file by copying the default CSS file to the CSS folder in "Settings" that would be awesome.
    4. Email From Address: You should have the ability to specify the from email address for the form, setting it to a form field if desired. While I realize you can do this with the Contour Contrib project, it seems it should be built-in.
    That's about it for now. Thanks!

  • Comment author was deleted

    Aug 07, 2012 @ 09:30

    Hey Robert 

    Thanks for the remarks

    Fieldsets are available actually, you always need a fieldset before you can add a field, to add more fieldsets to a page just hit the + icon on the right of the page name

    The default css file is only an example you can disable it from being added and just add your own styles to your existing or new site stylesheets (it helps if you use the default one as a start)

    Currently the email from address is taken from the /config/umbracsettings.config but it would indeed be a better option to also allow this on the workflow settings, so it can be set on workflow level instead of a global level



  • Comment author was deleted

    Aug 07, 2012 @ 15:07

    btw , the items have been added to our new Contour bug tracker at we'll evaluate the feature requests in the next days and a roadmap will follow, thanks again for the remarks and feel free to add more to the issue tracker

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