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  • Ole Thorsager 5 posts 25 karma points
    Oct 16, 2012 @ 13:37
    Ole Thorsager

    Duplicate Field values


    I have experienced problems when contour stores submitted values. Sometimes Records have fields which contain duplicate values (for instance an e-mail field based on a standard textbox field will in some cases have 2 rows in the UFRecordDataString table for the same "Key").

    - It is not all fields on the same record that are duplicated only some of the fields. 

    - It is also not alle records for the same form where this problem exist (only sometimes something happens)

    - I have not found a way to recreate the issue

    - Retrieving records using Umbraco.Forms.Library.GetRecordsFromPage(pageId) will not yield the error its only when using Umbraco.Forms.Library.GetRecord(recorId)

    (this is problely because the xml in the UFRecordsXml table doesnt have any duplicates)

    Any ida what may cause this ?

    We have exported some of the forms from our test-solution and imported them on production ? could this be the cause of this problem ? not sure if this can have something to do with it (we have not registered any duplicates in test)

    Best Regards


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