I have roughly 22,000 Contour records I need to delete. I have attemted to use the Coutour admin tools to delete these records but if I try delete more than 10 records at a time it seems to hang forever.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Can I delete records directly from a table in the database and have any child data cascade delete?
Thanks Tim. Thanks for your suggestion on exporting, deleting and then importing the form but I'd like to avoid this process as I have 5 or more custom workflows on the forms and I would have to bring everything down to perform this procedure.
I have looked at the database and the UFRecords table. I can script the delection of records from this table but I am worried about orphaning data in other tables. I am not a SQL expert but I do see some cascade deletes set on the tables. If I delete from UFRecords, will this reference and delete the required records in the other tables?
Deleting Contour Records
I have roughly 22,000 Contour records I need to delete. I have attemted to use the Coutour admin tools to delete these records but if I try delete more than 10 records at a time it seems to hang forever.
Does anyone have a suggestion?
Can I delete records directly from a table in the database and have any child data cascade delete?
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Hi David, are these all records of a form, you could export the form, delete the form (that will also delete the entries) and then import the form
Or you could work directly against the database, take a look at the UFRecords table
Thanks Tim. Thanks for your suggestion on exporting, deleting and then importing the form but I'd like to avoid this process as I have 5 or more custom workflows on the forms and I would have to bring everything down to perform this procedure.
I have looked at the database and the UFRecords table. I can script the delection of records from this table but I am worried about orphaning data in other tables. I am not a SQL expert but I do see some cascade deletes set on the tables. If I delete from UFRecords, will this reference and delete the required records in the other tables?
is working on a reply...