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Hi Tim
In my workflow (applied to submitted). I'm deleting the record but getting the following error on completion of the workflow..
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_UFRecordDataDateTime_UFRecordFields".
RecordService rs = new RecordService(record); rs.Delete(); rs.Dispose(); return WorkflowExecutionStatus.Completed;
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Hmm at what stage are you executing this workflow? Submitted? Don't think it will work since you are deleting the record, try moving it to the approved stage
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Contour Workflow delete record database error
Hi Tim
In my workflow (applied to submitted). I'm deleting the record but getting the following error on completion of the workflow..
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_UFRecordDataDateTime_UFRecordFields".
Comment author was deleted
Hmm at what stage are you executing this workflow? Submitted? Don't think it will work since you are deleting the record, try moving it to the approved stage
is working on a reply...