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I'am having trouble getting the comments snippet to work properly.
I'am using the included Comments form and using this nice little razor snippet:
@inherits umbraco.MacroEngines.DynamicNodeContext @using Contour.Addons.DynamicObjects <ul id="comments"> @foreach (dynamic record in Contour.Addons.DynamicObjects.Library.GetApprovedRecordsFromPage(@Model.Id).OrderBy("Created")) { <li> @record.Created.ToString("dd MMMM yyy") @record.Email @* @if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(record.Website)){ <strong>@record.Name</strong> } else{ <strong> @record.Name </strong> } <span>said</span> <p>@record.Comment</p> *@ </li> } </ul>
My problem is, that I can't get the field value of 'Name' and 'Comment'. I can get the values of 'Email' and created date.
Best regards
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List of comments - Razor
I'am having trouble getting the comments snippet to work properly.
I'am using the included Comments form and using this nice little razor snippet:
My problem is, that I can't get the field value of 'Name' and 'Comment'. I can get the values of 'Email' and created date.
Best regards
is working on a reply...