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Hi Guys,
Can someone point out how do i output the value of a checkbox list in xslt transformed email ?
I have a field "#Choose Type" where i have 3 checkbox lis, and would like to display according to the one the user checked.
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You'll just have multipe value elements
so instead of
Not following you here Tim, How do i get the caption here ?
I have 3 items in my CheckBoxlist being "#Choose Type "
First Name:<xsl:value-of select="$records//fields/child::* [caption = '#First Name :']//value"/><br/> Last Name:<xsl:value-of select="$records//fields/child::* [caption = '#Last Name :']//value"/><br/> Email :<xsl:value-of select="$records//fields/child::* [caption = 'Email :']//value"/><br/> Choose Type : <xsl:value-of select="$records//fields/child::* [caption = '#Choose Type :']//value"/><br/>
Does that output anything?
Nothing actually
Got it working Tim
<xsl:for-each select="$records//fields/child::* [caption = '#Choose Type :']//value"><xsl:value-of select="."/></xsl:for-each>
Great :)
is working on a reply...
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Hi Guys,
Can someone point out how do i output the value of a checkbox list in xslt transformed email ?
I have a field "#Choose Type" where i have 3 checkbox lis, and would like to display according to the one the user checked.
Comment author was deleted
You'll just have multipe value elements
so instead of
Not following you here Tim, How do i get the caption here ?
I have 3 items in my CheckBoxlist being "#Choose Type "
Comment author was deleted
Does that output anything?
Nothing actually
Got it working Tim
Comment author was deleted
Great :)
is working on a reply...