Custom razor markup, different guid on each environment
hi, i have this kind of problem i have 3 enviorments: dev,stage, prod.
i have a contour form with a custom razor markup that exist in a folder in my dev area, the name of the folder is the guid of the form. when i import the form i have a diffrent guid for the form so i need to maintain 2 copies of the custom markup, and if i create it in the prod enviorment i will need to maintain 3 copies of the form.
Custom razor markup, different guid on each environment
hi, i have this kind of problem
i have 3 enviorments: dev,stage, prod.
i have a contour form with a custom razor markup that exist in a folder in my dev area, the name of the folder is the guid of the form.
when i import the form i have a diffrent guid for the form so i need to maintain 2 copies of the custom markup, and if i create it in the prod enviorment i will need to maintain 3 copies of the form.
is there any solution to this kind of problem?
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Good point, added to the issue tracker and I'll see what we can do about this
is working on a reply...