Not sure but what i would do is make may be create a member login so when the member as access to this content then a update button appears loading the form and in contour make all the mapping as appropriate.
Under settings leave the Manual Apprroval unchecked. This should get you working.
Update node with form
I am looking for a solution for updating an exsisting node using a form. I am using Contour for creating nodes.
I am working in 4.11.xx webform.
How can it be done?
Hi Anders,
Not sure but what i would do is make may be create a member login so when the member as access to this content then a update button appears loading the form and in contour make all the mapping as appropriate.
Under settings leave the Manual Apprroval unchecked. This should get you working.
Do you know a guide for loading content from node to form ?
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Hey Anders, if you create the node through a contour workflow you can also edit that node but currently there is no only edit mode...
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You could of course look into the save as umbraco doc workflow type and update that a little so you can udpate instead of create
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