I'm resuming an multi-step form from the querystring, "?recordguid=...", and I was wondering if there was a way to take the user to the page they were last on.
The record object does have a currentpage property, can I use that in some way? Maybe pass in another querystring param, "¤tpage=..."?
Skip to page on resume
I'm resuming an multi-step form from the querystring, "?recordguid=...", and I was wondering if there was a way to take the user to the page they were last on.
The record object does have a currentpage property, can I use that in some way? Maybe pass in another querystring param, "¤tpage=..."?
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Nope but can add that in for you
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Ok just added, you can pass in formstep so ?formstep=2 ...
Our buildserver is just running the build (so give it a couple of mins) so you can upgrade to http://nightly.umbraco.org/Umbraco%20Contour/3.0.19%20WIP/
(you'll just need the Umbraco.Forms.Mvc assembly)
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Ok build is done http://nightly.umbraco.org/Umbraco%20Contour/3.0.19%20WIP/
Wow, great response! Thanks, Tim.
is working on a reply...