Yes, I'm sure, I can get them fine with field.PreValueSource.Type.GetPreValues(field). But as I'm building the forms from an ajax request, I'd like to get everything in one request, making a separate request for each dropdown for example would delay the rendering of the form too much.
Pre-values missing from PageStorage.GetAllPages
The result from PageStorage.GetAllPages has no values in FieldSets.Fields.PreValues. Any idea what can be done?
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Hmm that's strange, will check what's going on, and you are sure your fields have prevalues?
Yes, I'm sure, I can get them fine with field.PreValueSource.Type.GetPreValues(field). But as I'm building the forms from an ajax request, I'd like to get everything in one request, making a separate request for each dropdown for example would delay the rendering of the form too much.
I made some print screens to better show what I'm trying to do.
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Could you try using the form model instead (in Umbraco.Forms.Mvc namespace)
var model = new Models.FormViewModel { FormId = form.Id, FormStep = formStep };
and return that
Great, the FormViewModel has the prevalues populated correctly!
Thanks Tim!
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Awesome :)
is working on a reply...