FieldType.RadioButtonList extra attributes processing
So what i have is prevalue source which is bunch of umbraco nodes. Each of these nodes has some data namely media picker with images. I have created my own view/form/FieldType.RadioButtonList the code for it looks like
The extra data attributes correspond to some images userAnswerImage is the image set on the answer node which is a source for the prevalues. The defaultImage is image set on the parent question node.
This all works fine and form renders no problem. So what I need to do is the following, after submitting the form on my thank you page i need to get the values on the attributes for the selected radios. Is there a way for me to do that maybe query post object? I need these values because on the thank you page depending on answers selected we will show bunch of images. Or do I hijack a route? Any ideas?
So in answer to my own question KISS (keep it simple stupid). So I have updated the value field to use pv.Id which is the node id. That gets posted to my thankyou page and I can get the ids there and then get any additional data i need.
FieldType.RadioButtonList extra attributes processing
So what i have is prevalue source which is bunch of umbraco nodes. Each of these nodes has some data namely media picker with images. I have created my own view/form/FieldType.RadioButtonList the code for it looks like
The extra data attributes correspond to some images userAnswerImage is the image set on the answer node which is a source for the prevalues. The defaultImage is image set on the parent question node.
This all works fine and form renders no problem. So what I need to do is the following, after submitting the form on my thank you page i need to get the values on the attributes for the selected radios. Is there a way for me to do that maybe query post object? I need these values because on the thank you page depending on answers selected we will show bunch of images. Or do I hijack a route? Any ideas?
So in answer to my own question KISS (keep it simple stupid). So I have updated the value field to use pv.Id which is the node id. That gets posted to my thankyou page and I can get the ids there and then get any additional data i need.
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Great :)
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If it wasn't the id, the recordid also get's posted so you could fetch it from that :)
The record id will give me text of selected answers or will that also have node ids?
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Ah yes will be text instead :) but yeah then you could fetch id with that value, but just passing id is indeed simpler
is working on a reply...