I am looking to create custom field type, the field type needs some js/css/images i have those in my website structure already, so what is the best way to get those into the field type so when it renders it will have those dependencies? I know you can embed into dll but was looking for quick and dirty way if possible.
Custom field type required resources
I am looking to create custom field type, the field type needs some js/css/images i have those in my website structure already, so what is the best way to get those into the field type so when it renders it will have those dependencies? I know you can embed into dll but was looking for quick and dirty way if possible.
Actually looking at http://contourcontrib.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Contour.Contrib/Contour.Contrib/FieldTypes/ReCaptcha.cs it has comment // needs to be in the \umbraco\plugins\umbracoContour\images\fieldtypes directory so i guess could things there?
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