Unfortunately this problem is specific to Contour rather than Umbraco nodes, so in your example I didn't find any node problems.
My forms use custom PreValueFieldSourceTypes which I have written in C# and applied the FieldPreValueSource in C# too. In the CodeFirst form i've bound one custom value to a dropdown and one to a RadioButtonList. The whole thing is supposed to spring into action with Tims ContourFormBuilderHttpModule which get insert on app_startup as web.config entries.
When the CodeFirst forms incorporate these additional custom types I think i'm getting some kind of load order issue. I assume this is the case because I also get object exceptions, which would indicate the prevalue type hasn't been new'd up before the form.
If I remove my custom types altogether the problem goes away.
Here's some code just in case i'm doing something wrong, the prevalue first...
// Adds a multilingual list of countries as a pre-value datasource (en.xml)
public class Countries : FieldPreValueSourceType
public Countries()
this.Id = new Guid("8e9c49a9-68ca-4f81-8578-d3ebae2988d9");
this.Name = "List of countries";
this.Description = "Multilingual list of countries (http://unicode.org/ files need to be in /app_data/countrydata/)";
public override List ValidateSettings()
var ex = new List();
if (!File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/App_Data/CountryData/common/main/en.xml")))
ex.Add(new Exception("Unicode Common Locale Data Repository not found, please download from http://cldr.unicode.org and place in /app_data/countrydata/ directory"));
return ex;
public override List GetPreValues(Field field)
var pvs = new List();
var d = new XmlDocument();
if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(
var countries = new List>();
foreach (XmlNode c in d.SelectNodes("//territory [string-length(string(@type)) < 3]"))
countries.Add(new KeyValuePair(c.Attributes["type"].Value, c.InnerText));
countries.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => String.Compare(firstPair.Value, nextPair.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal));
int sort = 0;
foreach (var c in countries)
PreValue pv = new PreValue();
pv.Id = c.Key;
pv.Value = c.Value;
if (field != null)
pv.Field = field.Id;
pv.SortOrder = sort;
return pvs;
// prepopulate sources in umbraco
public class PrevalueSourceCountries : PrevalueSourceBase
public override FieldPreValueSourceType Type
FieldPreValueSourceType pvs = new Countries();
return pvs;
And the form with the attribute to bind the pre-value
//Change of address form
[Form("Member forms/Change of address", ShowValidationSummary = false, DisableDefaultStylesheet = true,
Id = "d73be165-4fbb-45fe-9614-4e06b1576b0e")]
public class ChangeOfAddress : FormBase
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = true, InvalidErrorMessage = "This field is required", Caption = "Address 1")]
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 2")]
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 3")]
public string AddressLine3 { get; set; }
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 4")]
public string AddressLine4 { get; set; }
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Country", Type = typeof(DropDownList), PrevalueSource = "countries", DefaultValue = "United Kingdom")]
public string Country { get; set; }
[Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Postcode", AdditionalSettings = new string[] { "maxLength: 9" }, Type = typeof(TextFieldExtended))]
public string PostCode { get; set; }
public override IEnumerable<Exception> Validate()
var e = new List<Exception>();
return e;
public override void Submit()
var memberDetails = FormsHelpers.GetPeriodsOfService();
var memberId = 0;
if (memberDetails.Length > 0)
memberId = memberDetails[0].MemberId;
Node currentNode = Node.GetCurrent();
var allNodes = currentNode.GetAncestorOrSelfNodes();
var rootNode = allNodes.First(x => x.Level == 1);
var email = String.Empty;
if (rootNode.HasProperty("siteEmail") && rootNode.GetProperty("siteEmail") != null)
email = rootNode.GetProperty("siteEmail").Value;
var user = Membership.GetUser();
var memberEmail = user.Email;
var memberUserName = user.UserName;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
builder.Append("<style>p, strong, h1, h2 { font-family: arial; } </style>");
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Member Id:</strong> {0}</p>", memberId));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 1:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine1));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 2:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine2));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 3:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine3));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 4:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine4));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Country:</strong> {0}</p>", Country));
builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Postcode:</strong> {0}</p>", PostCode));
library.SendMail(memberEmail, email, "Change of Address Form",
String.Format("<h1>New message from {0}</h1>{1}", memberUserName, builder.ToString()), true);
FormsHelpers.LogActivity(String.Format("Submitted '{0}'", Node.GetCurrent().Name));
Strange YSOD with CodeFirst approach
Hi Tim
I'm getting a really odd error on app startup, build is U7.1.5 / C 3.0.21.
I'm using codefirst forms and two custom fieldprevaluetypes.
Hi Martin
Not sure why it happens, but perhaps try running the script Mike Chambers mentions in the last post here? http://our.umbraco.org/forum/umbraco-7/using-umbraco-7/53211-Sequence-contains-not-matching-element?p=0#comment185351 (His first post).
Hi Jan
Good morning and thanks for the suggestion! :-)
Unfortunately this problem is specific to Contour rather than Umbraco nodes, so in your example I didn't find any node problems.
My forms use custom PreValueFieldSourceTypes which I have written in C# and applied the FieldPreValueSource in C# too. In the CodeFirst form i've bound one custom value to a dropdown and one to a RadioButtonList. The whole thing is supposed to spring into action with Tims ContourFormBuilderHttpModule which get insert on app_startup as web.config entries.
When the CodeFirst forms incorporate these additional custom types I think i'm getting some kind of load order issue. I assume this is the case because I also get object exceptions, which would indicate the prevalue type hasn't been new'd up before the form.
If I remove my custom types altogether the problem goes away.
Here's some code just in case i'm doing something wrong, the prevalue first...
And the form with the attribute to bind the pre-value
is working on a reply...