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  • Martin Griffiths 826 posts 1269 karma points c-trib
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 13:02
    Martin Griffiths

    Strange YSOD with CodeFirst approach

    Hi Tim

    I'm getting a really odd error on app startup, build is U7.1.5 / C 3.0.21.

    I'm using codefirst forms and two custom fieldprevaluetypes.

  • Jan Skovgaard 11280 posts 23678 karma points MVP 11x admin c-trib
    Jun 03, 2014 @ 21:33
    Jan Skovgaard

    Hi Martin

    Not sure why it happens, but perhaps try running the script Mike Chambers mentions in the last post here? (His first post).


  • Martin Griffiths 826 posts 1269 karma points c-trib
    Jun 04, 2014 @ 09:06
    Martin Griffiths

    Hi Jan

    Good morning and thanks for the suggestion! :-)

    Unfortunately this problem is specific to Contour rather than Umbraco nodes, so in your example I didn't find any node problems.

    My forms use custom PreValueFieldSourceTypes which I have written in C# and applied the FieldPreValueSource in C# too. In the CodeFirst form i've bound one custom value to a dropdown and one to a RadioButtonList. The whole thing is supposed to spring into action with Tims ContourFormBuilderHttpModule which get insert on app_startup as web.config entries.

    When the CodeFirst forms incorporate these additional custom types I think i'm getting some kind of load order issue. I assume this is the case because I also get object exceptions, which would indicate the prevalue type hasn't been new'd up before the form.

    If I remove my custom types altogether the problem goes away.

    Here's some code just in case i'm doing something wrong, the prevalue first...

        // Adds a multilingual list of countries as a pre-value datasource (en.xml)
        public class Countries : FieldPreValueSourceType
            public Countries()
                this.Id = new Guid("8e9c49a9-68ca-4f81-8578-d3ebae2988d9");
                this.Name = "List of countries";
                this.Description = "Multilingual list of countries ( files need to be in /app_data/countrydata/)";
            public override List ValidateSettings()
                var ex = new List();
                if (!File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/App_Data/CountryData/common/main/en.xml")))
                    ex.Add(new Exception("Unicode Common Locale Data Repository not found, please download from and place in /app_data/countrydata/ directory"));
                return ex;
            public override List GetPreValues(Field field)
                var pvs = new List();
                var d = new XmlDocument();
                if (File.Exists(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(
                var countries = new List>();
                foreach (XmlNode c in d.SelectNodes("//territory [string-length(string(@type)) < 3]"))
                    countries.Add(new KeyValuePair(c.Attributes["type"].Value, c.InnerText));
                countries.Sort((firstPair, nextPair) => String.Compare(firstPair.Value, nextPair.Value, StringComparison.Ordinal));
                int sort = 0;
                foreach (var c in countries)
                    PreValue pv = new PreValue();
                    pv.Id = c.Key;
                    pv.Value = c.Value;
                    if (field != null)
                        pv.Field = field.Id;
                    pv.SortOrder = sort;
                return pvs;
        // prepopulate sources in umbraco
        public class PrevalueSourceCountries : PrevalueSourceBase
            public override FieldPreValueSourceType Type
                    FieldPreValueSourceType pvs = new Countries();
                    return pvs;

    And the form with the attribute to bind the pre-value

     //Change of address form
        [Form("Member forms/Change of address", ShowValidationSummary = false, DisableDefaultStylesheet = true,
            Id = "d73be165-4fbb-45fe-9614-4e06b1576b0e")]
        public class ChangeOfAddress : FormBase
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = true, InvalidErrorMessage = "This field is required", Caption = "Address 1")]
            public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 2")]
            public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 3")]
            public string AddressLine3 { get; set; }
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Address 4")]
            public string AddressLine4 { get; set; }
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Country", Type = typeof(DropDownList), PrevalueSource = "countries", DefaultValue = "United Kingdom")]
            public string Country { get; set; }
            [Field("Change of address", "", Mandatory = false, Caption = "Postcode", AdditionalSettings = new string[] { "maxLength: 9" }, Type = typeof(TextFieldExtended))]
            public string PostCode { get; set; }
            public override IEnumerable<Exception> Validate()
                var e = new List<Exception>();
                return e;
            public override void Submit()
                var memberDetails = FormsHelpers.GetPeriodsOfService();
                var memberId = 0;
                if (memberDetails.Length > 0)
                    memberId = memberDetails[0].MemberId;
                Node currentNode = Node.GetCurrent();
                var allNodes = currentNode.GetAncestorOrSelfNodes();
                var rootNode = allNodes.First(x => x.Level == 1);
                var email = String.Empty;
                if (rootNode.HasProperty("siteEmail") && rootNode.GetProperty("siteEmail") != null)
                    email = rootNode.GetProperty("siteEmail").Value;
                var user = Membership.GetUser();
                var memberEmail = user.Email;
                var memberUserName = user.UserName;
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append("<style>p, strong, h1, h2 { font-family: arial; } </style>");
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Member Id:</strong> {0}</p>", memberId));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 1:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine1));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 2:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine2));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 3:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine3));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Address Line 4:</strong> {0}</p>", AddressLine4));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Country:</strong> {0}</p>", Country));
                builder.Append(String.Format("<p><strong>Postcode:</strong> {0}</p>", PostCode));
                library.SendMail(memberEmail, email, "Change of Address Form", 
                    String.Format("<h1>New message from {0}</h1>{1}", memberUserName, builder.ToString()), true);
                FormsHelpers.LogActivity(String.Format("Submitted '{0}'", Node.GetCurrent().Name));


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