Of the many solutions that exist to that problem I am wondering if I could get some feedback: since I do not have access to Contour source code I cannot use some of the attributes proposed in the previous reference (I think).
How to properly handle this???
I will be forever in your debt if you could help me out :)
Update 1
Using some javascript trickery I managed to circumvent this issue. For the sake of completeness I will try to add the full solution which consists of three parts:
A custom "Markdown"text are FieldType
A custom partial viewtype for this FieldType
Some JS hacks
First, the custom FieldType, which is just a straight copy of the regular text area:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core;
using Umbraco.Forms.Core.Common;
using log4net;
namespace KJ.UmbracoExtensions
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Reflection;
public class MarkDown : FieldType
private List<object> _value;
public MarkDown()
base.Id = new Guid("E3570C1B-883A-4D46-872A-9D554855AE28");
base.Name = "MarkDown Textfield";
base.Description = "Renders a MarkDown editor";
this.Icon = "textfield.png";
this.DataType = FieldDataType.String;
this._value = new List<object>();
public override List<object> ProcessValue(HttpContextBase httpContext)
List<object> objs = new List<object>();
HttpRequestBase request = httpContext.Request;
Guid id = this.AssociatedField.Id;
string item = request[id.ToString()] ?? "";
return objs;
public override string RenderPreview()
return "<input type=\"text\" class=\"textfield\" />";
public override string RenderPreviewWithPrevalues(List<object> prevalues)
return this.RenderPreview();
Allowing HTML input in contour forms
A rather urgent question:
I have built a custom contour form with a "Markdown" like control to allow users to send formatted text:
Everything works rather nicely but of course, everything went pear shaped when users tried to input stuff like:
Then I obviously get hit by the A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected
Of the many solutions that exist to that problem I am wondering if I could get some feedback: since I do not have access to Contour source code I cannot use some of the attributes proposed in the previous reference (I think).
How to properly handle this???
I will be forever in your debt if you could help me out :)
Update 1
Using some javascript trickery I managed to circumvent this issue. For the sake of completeness I will try to add the full solution which consists of three parts:
First, the custom FieldType, which is just a straight copy of the regular text area:
Next, the view:
The JS hackery:
First, I figured it would be sufficient to replace < and > by < and > respectively, this get handled by:
If you want to enable later editing of the data, you need to restore the < and > upon loading the data into the form:
Lastly, because I use a hidden input to hold the 'clean' input, the unobtrusive validation will not work correctly because a span gets generated:
I modify the 'data-valmsg-for attribute like so:
I hope this can be of use to someone.
If there are cleaner ways to do this, feel free to share. It is likely that I overcomplicated things :)
The end-result looks the part though:
And the processed and Emailed record:
is working on a reply...