The error I get is this
c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c316107f\a8b776f4\AppWebscript.cshtml.b66a646f.fj3iiwsz.0.cs(169): error CS0012: The type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2
Any idea what is wrong, because I cannot find this assembly to reference it.
Just wanted to point out that we just experienced this after installing Umbraco Forms 4.1.4 on Umbraco 7.3.0
I had no issues on my local machine, where the form rendered correctly, but on our staging server the log files contained the error described in the first post.
Indeed explicitly adding the assembly tag fixed the issue:
Forms not rendering
Hi just installed Umbraco Forms but I am not able to render forms using the macro.
I get a error on this line using the debugger in Form.cshtml
@Html.Partial(FormViewResolver.GetScriptView(Model.FormId), Model)
The error I get is this c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\c316107f\a8b776f4\AppWebscript.cshtml.b66a646f.fj3iiwsz.0.cs(169): error CS0012: The type 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2
Any idea what is wrong, because I cannot find this assembly to reference it.
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That's strange, have you tried the following:
adding a new assembly tag to web.config
That fixed it. Thanks
I've got the same problem on clean Umbraco v7.2.8 and Umbraco Forms. Would be great to fix it during forms installation maybe.
Just wanted to point out that we just experienced this after installing Umbraco Forms 4.1.4 on Umbraco 7.3.0
I had no issues on my local machine, where the form rendered correctly, but on our staging server the log files contained the error described in the first post.
Indeed explicitly adding the assembly tag fixed the issue:
is working on a reply...